
Not wanting to see a movie based on the trailer is fine. Expecting to understand the movie’s point and entire thesis by just watching its trailer is absurd.

You need to see a movie to understand its point.  A trailer isn’t going to do that for you.

“When Cliff visits the Spahn Ranch, on which the Family lived, he’s met with dirty, snarling, feral hippieoids”

Everyone was dressed up and playing make-believe. That part was asinine.” 

“Believe it or not, not everyone who thinks the unborn should get a shot at life is a monster.”

But it is safe to say most people who wish to keep a woman from being able to choose *are* monsters.   

So looking forward to this.  I wasn’t crazy about Gravity, but almost everything Cuaron has made has been incredible.  Hell, even his forgotten film (that he disowns because of studio interference), A Little Princess, is amazing.  

Indecent exposure is 100% a crime.  It’s very much illegal, a felony, and will get your registered as a fucking sex offender.

I would like to point out that almost every song this show chooses (except maybe that Blondie/Phillip Glass combo) has been terrible.  It’s not just “American Girl” it’s like every song they decide to post is literally the worst decision they could be making.

Nerd culture, with Gamergate and all that, is incredibly, incredibly toxic.

I’m glad you’re still around, man.

Damn, this is an amazing piece of writing.

Sorcerer for sure.

Given just some of the absolute, dire shit Friedkin puts out, it’s hard to imagine sometimes this guy once made three just all-around brilliant movies back-to-back-to-back in the 70s.

Is Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare the only one from the original series missing? Not that I’m complaining! It’s terrible! Just wondering is all.

Does moderation on AV Club even moderate anymore? Even since Kinja, I feel like anything short of literal death threats is filed under “anything goes”.

It’s also just nice when someone comes out to say something about the Parkland survivors and they’re not calling the kids, “Whiny, entitled brats,” for wanting to do something to help stop other people from being murdered.

Michael Haneke: “Oh, so you want to see this innocent woman escape this situation? Oh.... oh, you’re sick, man! You’re a horrible person!”

Duh, you’re a real jerk for hoping someone does well in their lives.

Why did you write this? Why did you feel compelled to be an asshole to me? What the fuck is WRONG with you?

Go muster some humanity yourself, you piece of shit. I’m rooting for a guy and I lack humanity? You’re a fuckhead, you know that?

I’ve always liked Brendan Fraser and he always seemed like a standup guy. If I’m rooting for anyone to have a comeback, it’s him.