
Why is everyone awful?

Hey, it could work. Tyler Perry was in Gone Girl for some reason.

Remember that classic episode of The Simpsons everyone loves? We’re stretching the joke out to an hour, adding Morgan Spurlock and plenty of new Simpsons humor to it!

I’ve never seen someone so vehemently defend their decision to make a rape joke. A simple, “Shit, my bad,” is the usual response. This, “You don’t know me! You’re the problem!” reaction is goddamned bizarre.

I remember playing FFVII with my brother, when that lion dude joins your party and is like, “My name is Red XIII, but you can call me whatever you’d like.”

I’m surprised I was never in the gray. Like, I’m kind of a dipshit, so....

I mean, let’s not make a hero of Linda Tripp, the woman who secretly recorded conversations under the false pretense of caring about someone.

It only took Arizona like 16 years to get rid of Arpaio.

This is the hill you’ve decided to die on: Defending your decision to make a joke about a woman who is too ugly to rape.

You fucking double down on your bullshit when you get called out. Grow the fuck up. Your comment was disgusting.

Does any picture of him exist where it doesn’t look like he’s cackling from behind the fires of hell?

Everyone knows racism doesn’t exist in America anymore!

The only thing you were wrong about was when you said he’s better than that. He’s... not. He does this shit all the time.

It’s just depressing to me that further up in this article, there are people kinda-sorta being like, “Well, they’re not wrong.”

Sam, there’s a person on here pretending to be someone else. Can we get the account closed?

You’re totally right. My bad.

Fair enough.

Why should I leave without a fight? Why should I allow the trolls to have this place to themselves?

I’m saying that with comments like “That is the reality of human nature...especially if you remove the shackles of guilt,” it sounds like they’re playing devil’s advocate to the shitty commenter on the other article.