
Not sure which part you need explained, so I’ll just explain that post-Kinja AV Club has become a hotbed of troll activity, where every other article’s featured comment is some kind of alt-right dog whistle bullshit and they don’t do a goddamn thing about it and allow the community to rot.

It’s pretty rich to have this list while also leaving a skeevy, pro-rape comment as a featured comment on another Weinstein article on this website.

The problem is that it features comments like these and monetizes outrage, instead of having a community of discussion. The new AV Club doesn’t give a fuck and won’t decry the above statement for the bullshit that it is.

The AV Club chooses not to acknowledge its own failings. Hence, why we have Kinja and why we have ShaBoomBoomRoom “not defending” that guy by way of totally defending him.

The comments section of this site is fucking garbage and AV Club should be ashamed of what they’ve become.

The new AV Club, where this fucking garbage, alt-right horseshit is a featured comment.

Why are people only pedantic about the use of the word “terrorist” when the shooter was white?

I used to really look forward to posting here Mondays and seeing how everyone’s weekend went.

Okay, glad you’re qualified to speak on behalf of the dead.

Oh, this fucking idiot.

I can’t even tell when a post on this site is a GJ,I anymore, it’s all the fucking same.

Let us decide?! No, they’re gonna choose for us, goddammit, and if that means 70% of the commentariat is now gone, so be it!

“But incompetence as a cover-up is starting to wear thin.”
Not with THIS administration. These dumbasses still think Trump’s kid was just worried about the children.

Aw, but don’t you guys love the sheer amount of trolls that there are per article now, and how often those comments are the TOP COMMENT? It’s fucking awesome.

A huge, disgusting portion of this country spoke with their votes and fucked us all.

In which DJ Khaled and others metaphorically blow an abuser of women. Fuck everyone who apologizes for him.

If I ever undergo dental anesthesia, please, for the love of god, don’t point a camera at me.

I love me a good intro, but I don’t need to see it every time I’m watching a series. Even before the “skip intro” option, I’d fastforward through the intro if it was too damn long (I’m looking at you, DS9!).

Well this is a bummer. I was looking forward to this. Love The Room, loved The Disaster Artist, the book.

Hey, good to see you around! I hadn’t seen you since the “event” and was hoping you’d survived the crossover.

Also, it’s fucking ridiculous I had to link my Kinja account with either Facebook, Twitter or Google. Maybe I don’t want to have those things to my personal life linked?