
Hey, my legacy account is back! How long will I stay grayed out for?

Some guy lit himself on fire, but it seems prematurely. Other than that, it's cool.


Too many current commenters to give shout-outs to, so I just want to thank that guy in the legendary "poop thread" whose name, I think, was Choco Taco. No comment anywhere, ever, has made me laugh as hard as that.

I owned that movie on tape when I was a wee lad, but not like a purchased tape, one I taped from the TV premiere, and I watched that shit like once a month for some reason.

I get the skittles when I eat too many apples.


I see some Twilight Zone twist ending where AV Club is like, "We've heard your concerns and we're sticking with Disqus!"

I said all my teary-eyed goodbyes yesterday so I'm sick of all your faces!

I'm kind of disappointed I didn't come in here to witness a 28 Days Later situation, wandering alone for hours before being chased by some racist trolls and saved by a couple survivors who've seen some shit and fill me in on what happened while I was asleep.

Yuuup. Just surprised it didn't happen sooner.

I'll probably end up seeing you tomorrow haha.

Here's a link!

It wasn't, really. Just that the Coens aren't involved. But I do agree that it's massively overpraised, even if I do like it.

I loved it too. 7 hours of pure joy. I made a day of it. My girlfriend made pizza!

Not even with Trump's syphillitic dick.

I'll definitely be there.

If the AV Club is rendered unusable tomorrow I just want to say that I've enjoyed these years of commenting and all of you here. Without you, I never could have written my book. Your support was an endless source of inspiration.

I'll probably just grit my teeth and bear with a shitty interface.

I know a lot of you didn't know if I could do it but I finally hit 20,000 comments just before the dawn of the kinjapocalypse and a few minutes before I get to go home and sleep away this pesky head cold I have while a horrible Trump rally rages on a few miles away from where I live. But here we are! I couldn't have