
I'd consider Shutter Island to be commercial, in that it was very, very similar to a lot of movies of the same type. Even still, I thought it was a ton of fun.

Isn't Netflix a little… you know…. PC for Seinfeld?

Oh, does it really?

What a bunch of midnight tokers!

That makes total sense.

I swear a lot and when I'm at work, I really try not to. Sometimes I let it slip, but not everyone likes hearing that stuff, so I try to keep it PG.

I could see the really, really commercial Scorsese making it work. When he just wants to do a fun project, he's actually in pretty rare form. The results are mixed, but they don't lack energy.

If they were serious about this and made it some profane, R-rated movie with great dialogue, music and direction that happened to have the Joker in it, I'd watch it in an instant.

I assume this means that Martin Scorsese will nod at some papers, thumbs up a concept drawing and cash a big, fat paycheck.

What'd you say?!

If a Breitbart troll were here right now, he would accuse your comment of being actual hate-speech.

You still on the fence about going tonight or have you made up your mind? I want to, in theory, check out the crowd to see, with my own eyes, the size of the crowd, versus the size of counterprotesters, but damned if I just don't have the energy to stick my nose into the hornet's nest tonight.

Damn, that ineffectual Obama gets shit done!

This being the last day before the Kinjaning and all, and that I haven't seen you in goddamned months… I fear I may never have the chance to ask you this question:

Basically, any bizarre insult that the conservatives and alt-right throw out there says infinitely more about themselves than any of the people they're lashing out at.

If you wanna get into a Trump supporter's hole…. god have mercy on you.

"Look, I know some nazis killed a counter-protester, but both sides are to blame."

It looks like Robert Pattinson's conservative cousin or something.

Is that idiot in front yelling because he's wet, or is he wet because of all the drool that fell out of his gaping maw?

I choose to take this literally!