
And Snyder's wife helped him out with the movie. If I read that script I'd be like, "People shouldn't know these things about you."

I blame society for making me think depressing things.

R. Kelly is probably going to ask for a refund on that hush-hush money.

That's not how ya vwing!

You have quite possibly the best possible KotH username I've ever seen.

One of us needs to find out, in a twist ending, that they've been a kinjabot all along!

I've had mixed results to an amazing degree using Airbnb. I've had it pay off tremendously and I get a sweet house to myself for a weekend.

You definitely have a point with the Godfather Part II. A lot of people prefer it, but frankly I think the 1950s stuff, with Michael in Nevada, needed to be trimmed significantly.

For me, Night and Dawn are equals… like Alien/Aliens or the Godfathers 1 & 2.

People in Arizona carried guns to speech given by Obama. I'm not going out there in this shit, not when Nazis are running people over and feeling emboldened by having an actual Nazi president.

I saw and loved Night of the Living Dead, expecting Night to be a cheesy movie in the vain of MST3K. It scared the FUCK out of me.

For me, I have a similar reaction to Snyder's films, but my aghast came about from watching Sucker-Punch. Like… what the fuck was anyone thinking with that movie?

I know you don't much care for the original Dawn of the Dead, but I genuinely think it's one of the best horror films, sequels… whatever. I think it's an amazing movie with some aspects that maybe didn't age quite well. But man, I love it.

As much as I like Snyder's version of Dawn of the Dead, I think the movie did itself a disservice by being a remake. If it was just an original movie, another movie in the vain of Night or Dawn, a siege-type scenario, they could have made a much better movie… because it has the scares, the gore, the laughs, the

A lot of my friends are going in order to counter-protest, but I legit don't feel safe going there today. I'm staying way the hell far away and staying at home.

Like, there's a difference between flushing cherry bombs and psychologically torturing your sister (babysitter episode, which I enjoy, but I wanna smack Bart in that one).

Some of us never hit it!

Fuuuuuuuck. He's not coming to Phoenix. Last time he was here, I was out of town. I wonder if I'll ever get to see him perform live.

It's a terrible episode with some solid jokes and is… overall pleasant, I guess? There are some bad Simpsons episodes that are, like you said, repellent and unpleasant. For me, I'd have to go with "Girly Edition".

It's surprising how QUICKLY The Simpsons became not good. Like, there are good episodes here and there, or in good portion, throughout a lot of the semi-later seasons, but it's kind of amazing how much of a tonal shift there is between seasons.