
"I smoke cigarettes, eat meat and drink beer! Repeat for 1 full hour!"

Since we're talking about minor accomplishments… I was one of the first to speak out against horseplay.

But don't call him a hunk. It's demeaning.

It's surprisingly good. He chainsmokes on stage and talks about a lot of current events type stuff. Some of it's kind of profound.

Okay, this guy walks into a bar and takes out a tiny piano and a 12-inch pianist— Oh, no, wait! I can't tell that one!

I love the show, but I feel like complaining about some of the show's irritating features, of which it has plenty, is met with scorn.

Oh, dude, I am. It's so good!


I was a kid when that show came out, and I always fucking hated it. All the hand-wringing of "today's youth." Even as a kid—and I grew up in poverty and saw a lot of what they were clutching their pearls over—and they were so out of fucking touch to render their preachiness totally moot.

It helps that the show never really felt exploitative. Sometimes it was, obviously, sometimes it was super guilty of it (god, one particular "satanist" episode, for reals), but unlike all these other similar shows that are still on TV today, Unsolved Mysteries felt like it really just wanted to solve these damn

Is there a place I can watch Serenity? It used to be on Netflix, but I don't believe it is anymore.

I don't wanna!

I… wasn't into it. I understand Firefly is a show people love, but Serenity was not made with me in mind.

River's Edge is one of the movies I point to in response to someone saying Keanu Reeves can't act.

When does Lost City of Z drop? It's not on the actual list.

I saw Serenity without ever watching Firefly and I didn't like it very much. Can I complain about that?

People who want to complain about AV Club content are society's real victims, man.

Seeing what's happening with Leo D's head, I hope my head doesn't balloon in size when I reach a certain age, man.

Kevin Smith and Luc Besson both earned a lot of respect from me during that.

"Nazis are “barely mentioned” in “many American public schools,” adding that Adolf Hitler is a “distant monster” to these poorly run schools instead of being “as vivid as today’s sunrise.”"