
Finally! Arizona is the news for something that doesn't make me want to bury my head in shame!

If it was about history, they wouldn't mind the statues being moved into museums. It's about pride and they want to be reminded of their proud heritage every day while also subjecting other people to it.

I'll definitely allow it.

I was watching From Dusk Till Dawn with audio commentary and Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino were talking about they were at some convention and ran in to John Saxon who was like, "Hey, if you guys ever need an FBI agent for a movie, I've never played one before," so they were like, "What the hell?" and wrote a

No, you accused a commenter who said nothing of the sort of wanting to do such a thing, and now you're fucking denying it because you don't even have the courage to back your own odious convictions.

He's saying, "Who cares about white supremacists when there are Islamist extremists?" As in, "White supremacy isn't a big deal."

Why was the original comment deleted, and not this one, from some turd suggesting that someone wants to kill people they disagree with? You're fucking disgusting, by the way.

And you're a dolt for comparing liberals to terrorists. End of fucking story.

If you're comparing Islamist extremists to fucking Hillary supporters, you are out of your goddamned mind.

You do realize it was a liberal woman who had been killed by a Nazi, not the other way around? But I guess things like "facts" shouldn't get in the way of you trolling this website. Any excuse to be an asshole!

No, that was religious fundamentalists who believe their god should be involved in political decision-making.

Flag this guy. He's one of the nastiest trolls we've got on this site. He's a fucking prick.

It's really, really weird that Trump said something that fucking disgusting, and it's not even in the top twenty of most disgusting things he's said.

Impressing him may not be the intent, but you know damn well he'd be watching.

I signed up, but I think it cost money so I never did anything with it.

No sugar!

For anyone (not just Trump) whose reaction to a Nazi killing a woman is, "Both sides are wrong," was given a very, very simple test by Life Itself, and they failed it.

Yeah, I've got a Disqus account. I post on the Avocado now, as it is, albeit irregularly.

I wasn't aware Kinja utilized Disqus. We'll see what happens, I guess.

You should be @RealColAlphoneDoreCliburnCBE