
"Oh that was fake news? Thank god, I thought I might be wrong about something."


Mmm lobsters stuffed with tacos.

Yet I envy you.

Nothing will make me roll my eyes harder than fucking food snobbery, or when people make a big goddamned deal out of something inexpensive that's been around for ages, like charging $5 for a fucking taco or acting like fried chicken or brisket is worth its weight in gold.

That sentence made me never want to eat a burger again.

Hey, racists, stop pretending that these statues are some fucking stark remnant of the past to serve as a reminder of some grim history. These statues are in celebration of slavery and were erected in the 20th century. So, shut the fuck up.

He finally won the right to party and this is how he celebrates?

Maybe I misinterpreted the movie, but I didn't see him as down on his luck, just lacking the necessary funds (a huge amount) required to buy the property. And he was okay with everything that happened because he was kind of a deluded asshole who thought of himself as Robin Hood, even though he was suuuuper

I'm seeing an alarming amount of, "Nazis are allowed to say stuff!" discourse in response to, "Nazis are assholes" online. Maybe your kneejerk reaction shouldn't be to defend the rights Nazis have that aren't in jeopardy, but instead to… I dunno, dislike Nazis?

I guess I can try to explain it: People, especially people who don't have to actually function in society, can be really, really stupid.

I saw some huge fallout online when my favorite little dive bar accidentally booked and then immediately cancelled a Nazi metal band and I was like, man, I'm so glad my job isn't booking metal bands for dive bars.

Oh, geez. I hate reading the rules!

Only tangentially related, my sister got fucked over by a really shady car-rental place, and then she went to read reviews of the place to see if anyone else had a similar experience and some woman had complained that the customer service rep had called her a "motherfucking cocksucker."

I do kind of enjoy trailers to really bad-looking movies, though.

Out of the four? I gotta go with Chris Pine. Hell or High Water is probably better than anything any of the other dudes have been in, and he knocks it out of the fucking park.

I was thinking of the double-whopper of Jurassic World and Passengers.

I liked the one where Chris Pratt was kinda dumb, kinda hot and pretty damn sexist.

Is that the movie where Michael Landon wets the bet?

*stifles sob*