
"Martin Shkreli himself can't walk past a mirror without punching it."

Has anyone ever read comments from pro-Shkreli people? I can't believe such a thing exists. He jacked up the price for those medicines, you see, to really sock it to the insurance companies and bring awareness to the… you know, unfairness of it all.

Even still, given the percentage that studios ACTUALLY take home from overseas box office and the insane marketing costs, Transformers 5 was a genuine flop.

Twin Peaks: The Return quasi-spoilers:

I'm a pretty terrible gamer in general. I usually play about three games a year, and by "play them" I mean that I immerse myself in them completely for a couple weekends and then never finish them. But, hey, I had a blast!

I'd like to say, "Well, duh!" or something like that… but admitting you're wrong, publicly, not enough people do it. Kudos, Clay.

Hey you're right! It IS informative!

I think it's pretty clear Sean O'Neal had a point….

I love the way he uses music—both original compositions and existing, popular songs—to tell the viewer (sometimes subtly), how they should be feeling at certain moments.

"Jennifer Lopez’s best-ever performance…"

In some ways, Shulkie, you and I are very different people.

I was completely unaware of PewDiePie's existence until South Park introduced me to him, so thanks for that, South Park.

You know how alt-right fuckheads always co-opt a word and change their meaning? Can we change the meaning of "edgelord" to be someone who "edges" with poop, like they hold their shit in for sexual gratification?

Grandy Flash-Flash, come back!

They weren't funny when you were making them either, dipshit.

Speed 2: Cruise Control

Iiiiisss niiiiiiiice!

As I've gotten older, I've realized there are some things that were made that didn't have me or my tastes in mind at all. "Oh, Hello" is just one of those things.

I wanted to dismiss this Del Toro-less Hellboy right off the bat, but why does this movie have to sound promising?!

I've been here a really long time, so I'm gonna try it out. If it's awful, I guess I'll abandon ship, but… I'm gonna fuckin' try.