
That's the same theme! You just replaced the "dees" with "doos"!

"It's good to be the king!"

We all bloat down here!

Fuck it, I think it looks pretty good. I'll watch it.

It's totally punk to be uneducated, racist and sport a mullet.

Specifically, with his arms up, he looks like this toilet monster:

It takes a lot of commitment to ruin two other songs in one fell swoop.

When you love slavery that much, it doesn't matter where you're from.

He doesn't really care about making good music or not being a confederate flag-waving asshole.

Kid Rock looks like a puppet here, not unlike Ghoulies or Basket Case.

The South Park guys could write an episode about this in like ten minutes.

I rewatched it probably a couple months ago and it's not great, but eh. It's pleasant enough. I fuckin' loved it when I was a kid, though.

I was thinking of Crispin Cider.

It makes a big difference that he's not a twenty-year-old white guy.

It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings.

It's unbelievable for regular people to do something so disgusting. It's par for the course for a family that lives in front of cameras.

Yeah, they do that. Working in sales, a lot of people sure do think Alec Baldwin is cool in Glengarry Glen Ross.

"I have some bad news. We sent a dragon to go pick up Jon, 'cause it'd be faster that way… well it ate him and some people are kind of upset about it."

Last week's episode did cause me to google many things about eunuchs.

I'm watching this season because me and my buddy get to hang out and eat food, but I haven't seen anything since season two, so I have to ask a lot of questions.