
"These designs were not well thought out"

You know… fighting far with far has never been a good tactic and it's funny that she's throwing it out there like, oh, that's just a thing you do! You see that far over thar and throw far at it!


Don't you argue facts with me! I'm a conservative! I'll just tell you your facts are made-up, bullshit, FAKE NEWS and then provide a link to somewhere called "REALEAGLEAMERICANFLAG" dot org and prove you wrong, you pansies!

I just hope that someone with some clout decided against having Chris Carter write half of the episodes this time.

In every episode, whenever the aliens or whatever shows up, she misses it because she's out buying a bra or something.

Remember when conservatives shat a collective chicken when he killed a fucking fly during an interview?

It's one of those shows where people who love it fucking love it, which is kind of cool. If I were to create a show that got canceled, hey, at least the people who gave it a shot and stuck with it really, really liked it!

I think this actually looks kinda good. I'm not a huge fan of the series (I liked the first one), but they're fun.

One of my favorite things about GLOW is about how just about everyone is, at heart, a good guy. There are no real villains. Everyone's just trying to do their best.

Fact-checking? Oh, no, no, no, no! NO! Facts are for liberal pansies with their nose in a book! I find my truth in two holy leaders… Misters Smith and Wesson, thank you very much!

Oh god, I know. The NRA knows what they're doing and they should be fucking ashamed.

Remember when those same idiots held a government building hostage and then they cried when one of them got shot by the FBI for reaching for his gun?

I felt kind of good about things moving in the right direction when one of my conservative friends on Facebook, even THIS person, thought this ad was disgusting and in poor taste. I mean, they SHOULD, obviously, of course… on account of the ad basically saying, "Kill them LIEberals!" but it was just good to actually

Hey, I was just talking about me. If you wanna yell at ChancellorPuddinghead still, man, you're good to go!

Nah, you're good.

It means Trump gets results, you stupid Puddinghead!

It really does!! It's thinner and has a full head of hair!

That Terry Richardson's sexual assault claims against him were feminazi bullshit?

Sprinkled on top.