
Bingo. Also some comedian friends say he’s like the cringest fratboy possible. Like, punch you in the dick in front of a group of people, then get upset that you didn’t laugh kind of a douche

T.J. Miller is a jackass. Fortunately this time next year he’ll be relegated back to sitcom guest spots and so folk will only have to deal with the occasional “What do you mean you don’t know him? He’s a HUGGGE comedian” fan

I’m sorry she feels that way. I’m also not sure WHY she feels that way. The other artists this season got a full performance over the closing credits, sure. But her performance came at this incredibly climactic moment—it was beautifully framed, portentous and haunting. It reminded me of the sycamore tree song in the

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

I’ve only watched The Office once through but I always thought that Jim becomes pretty dickish in the later seasons. The episodes where Idris Elba is the new boss and calls him on his antics come to mind.

He’s a billionaire heir. He’s a shitty businessman

Testament is probably the saddest movie I’ve ever seen, but also incredibly well made and powerful. Just do yourself a favor and have something happy to do after seeing it. Maybe a bowl of ice cream.

I read something last year that the material he wants his suits made from is very soft, almost like silk and thus can’t hold a shape like a normal suit. He’s basically wearing giant pajamas. Which, fuck, I can’t really begrudge anyone. Still I’d think a decent tailor could make it work. But judging by his doctor,

Looks like a new in box copy of that is about $85 and a loose cartridge is $15. (Original Street Fighter II new in box is around $150.)

He dresses for the job he has (an ambulatory pile of shit in a suit), not the one he wants (an admired and feared sociopathic dictator).