(Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.)
(Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.)
Here’s another truth: Carolina (also) lost. The McAllisters are having a rough weekend and I’m totally here for it.
I don’t understand what’s mind blowing about a play that isn’t legit. If he kept his body in-bounds and then made that play, I agree, that’s mind-blowing/badass. But when you spot him a step out of bounds, that makes it a little less impressive.
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves?
we said to just pay the tickets, it’ll be fine
I can’t be the only one relieved not to find myself in there.
I’m going to be that guy: Tremont took a pretty solid four steps on that layup - three are obvious, and there was a subtle toe tap for the fourth visible on the slow motion replay. But ultimately I guess it’s probably the best Walk on Waters this side of Matthew 14.
You mean a normal Saturday afternoon
Seriously? They were winning and had a foul to give. They were going to foul to stop the play and and force NC to re-inbound the ball and start thier offense all over again with very little time left.
Hahahahaha... this shit’s all so stupid and pointl
She was SAAD, now she’s just sad.
Damn near every post he has written is on the politic BS (communism, Regressive Leftist, so on and so forth) crap.
Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.
I’m a left winger my entire life
Between Barstool getting slapped and Nick Foles becoming a Jaguar it’s been an interesting week for three-legged sports figures.
You are there to answer some damn questions.
and a four-year playoff drought with which to entice Trout to stay
Holy shit, if you didn’t know about the SoulCycle thing (and I didn’t) and didn’t bother to click the link, here it is again. How anyone, anywhere could respect Portnoy after that is mind boggling. I don’t care about trolling a fitness company, that’s literally what twitter was built for. But to go that far out of…