
A friend of ours came from an abusive household. She is also, like me, an experienced attorney. Her son is the same age as our son (both in elementary school) and they are friends. They attend the same camps. The night she told us that a neighbor, an older boy, showed her son how to masturbate, I was appalled. Then

If you’re an average, out-of-shape 35-year-old, a world class keeper isn’t going to have to guess where you’re kicking. He’s going to wait for you to kick it and then make the save.

What are the best sports catchphrases of all time? We need a definitive list.

Apropos of nothing, the popularization and mainstreaming of the “lots of people are saying” rhetorical tic is just one of the myriad sins Trump has visited on this country.

Joly jell that’s a great pass.

Adding "your mom" to those is funny.


Fuck Kevin McHale forever.

I used to love going to the VA side of Assateague. It’s gotten so built-up over the past 20 years though.

Oh look, the “soccer players are soft” guy has logged on.

3 seconds

I went to the Eagles championship parade (they even cancelled grad school for that one!) and, dear lord, NOT CHILD APPROPRIATE.

My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.

Eat shit Wilbon!!!!

Not bad for a minor league sports town.

Very surprised at the outcome, since Bryan struck me as someone whose wife hadn’t fucked him for a long time.

I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and I have been eating scrapple all my life. Everybody always asks me, “how can you eat that if you know what it’s made of?” Who cares, the shit is delicious! Honestly, it’s no worse than eating a hotdog. It’s better tasting than haggis (I have had haggis, in Scotland).

To be fair, it’s not easy being green...