
Seriously, “all that work” to plug a charging cable into something?

It boggles my mind that it is almost 2025. 28 years since the Prius came out. 10 years since the Model X came out. 8 years since the Pacifica PHEV came out. And yet Toyota, the “efficient appliance” brand, still has no plugin (EV/PHEV, I’m not picky) 3-row options on sale in the US!

Driving a 2024 4xe and it’s very convenient. Have the plug hanging right next to where it’s parked. Quicker than going to a gas station, for sure. Also, if you forget to charge them don’t worry and just drive. The transition between electric and gas is so smooth.

If I’m honest, 20 miles on a battery and the ability to charge from home with solar, it could do 80% of what I would need it to do. But all that work to charge it every single time I come home... It is just not worth it to me for that kind of cash.  If it was handed to me, or say it was 15k, yeah, I’d make it work.

The Chinese EVs I tried in the UK were awesome. I’m not sure how long the majors can hold back the flood.....

Yup, I’ve got a garage to park and charge

Toyota said in a statement there was no change to its intention to produce 1.5 million EVs per year by 2026

The 1st year 4xe’s had their share of problems, but I’ve had 2 now, a 2022 and a 2024, both trouble free.

Lemon laws don’t cover used vehicles. And especially not those that have already been repurchased.

Came here hoping for guidance on what to look for, consumer protections, etc on lemon/branded titles/future hurdles of ownership including insurance, etc, instead just got, “There are some cheap cars out there, but they all have branded titles.” The end.

Just walk away. The issue that triggered the buy-back may or may not have been fixed and the dealer may or may not know but will probably tell you whatever they think you want to hear. Even if it is fixed that branding will forever appear on the title and will affect your resale value later. I’ve noticed there are two

That’s the perfect use-case for a 4xe, imo. Though I’d add that you’ll want a convenient place to charge it at home. Even the default lvl 1 is fine. You’ll probably only buy gas when doing those adventure trips, lol.

I would say it depends on the fine print. What type of consumer protections are there from Lemon Law buybacks? Does Stellanis offer an extended warranty free of charge? Can it be bought back again under LL or no as it was disclosed on the title? It’s like anything else in life; take the risk (knowingly) and deal with

I had one of these over the weekend as a rental. Of course the battery wasn’t charged, so it wasn’t really in electric mode much. But the engine in these sounds like a tractor.

So I was thinking about the Wrangler 4Xe but not to buy, to lease as it seems like it’s actually a decent deal considering I only drive about 5-7000 miles a year, 90% of my daily driving can be covered by the 20 mile range, I can use it to get to the mtns or desert for my adventures, and I only want it for about three

I bet you’ll start seeing them more often. The lease deals are insane in some areas. It’s the perfect EV for a grandparent or elderly parent that will never road trip it and just wants normal controls in an electric car. It sucks compared to the market, but it doesn’t suck at $120/month for a lease.

This makes so much more sense than a full BEV truck to me.

3rd gear: I’d be holding off on an EV purchase if I were European too. They’re about to be flooded with very affordable, seemingly high quality, and pretty cool EVs from Chinese manufacturers. Based on a lot of the reviews I’ve watched of Chinese EVs from BYD and others, I have to say I’m envious as an American.

We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not downward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.

1st Gear: Alternate title - “Make a Mediocre EV, Expect Mediocre Sales