
What EVs have you driven? That instant torque is fun as shit.

Even if EVs arent immediately better for the Earth and environment, it means I never have to step foot into a gas station again and my time in the shop for maintenance drops to nearly zero.  I way over-produce my solar, and prices of used EVs are dropping.  Even people that dont care about the environment should be

Totally fair! It’s definitely more complicated than the single purchase and I don’t want my statements to detract from that. 

Are you the six-fingered man?

Keeping your current car in good operating condition and on the road is also more environmentally friendly than buying a new car.”

Part of the marketing problem is that they are shooting themselves in the foot with other models sending mixed messages.

1st Gear: another example of how geurilla marketing can trump actual facts and science...

It’s harder to push the savings angle when you have pay the difference in price up front, and tax savings are only for people who pay enough taxes in 1 year to cover them (or you have to lease, which many people don’t want to do.)  Take a Kia Niro.  A full EV version costs like 200 bucks a month more to get over the

Studies have beat the issue to death and there is no argument based on facts to deny that BEVs have lower lifetime emissions than pure ICE.

Ceteris paribus, I would absolutely buy an EV as my next new vehicle. Initial additional carbon production is overcome by the differential between EV and ICE over the tens of thousands of miles a car will go. Unfortunately, all things are not equal, and there are no EVs that currently appeal to what I want. That’s not

so they aren’t really doing any reading besides seeing a random headline here and there.”

And in those cases it’s pretty easy to guess where “here” and “there” are.

I completely understand why new technology has to trickle down (to some extent) from the upper end of the market - because there’s more margin there and because there is less price sensitivity. But I completely agree that

How is a model 3 or Y performance not better then your GTI? 

Europe has a lot of laws in place making the OEM’s responsible for the total lifecycle of their products the U.S. is lagging on legislation for that.

The best thing for the environment is to just reduce driving. But that involves actually building out a public transport infrastructure, increased work from home, building smaller and lighter vehicles, and maybe not having 5 kids that each need to take some sort of after school activity every day of the week. Then

Exactly - the people who think that electric cars aren’t good for the environment don’t care about the environment anyway.

Let’s all just be honest for a minute. While buying a new EV may be overall less damaging to the environment, you are still buying a several ton chunk of metal and other precious materials, that took a ton of energy to forge.

Batteries are and can be recycled.

1st: I listened to a detailed story on this topic, and the point they made in the story is that most people who are inclined to say that EVs are less good environmentally are not really in the market for them in the first place, so they aren’t really doing any reading besides seeing a random headline here and there.

Once you account for most people’s driving habits and how many long trips per year people actually take, you’ll find that it is largely a waste of resources (and production emissions) to produce long range EVs. The PHEV proves to be the overall lowest emissions option when operated as a “Range Extended EV”. Simply