
These companies love creating off-shoots for additional revenue stream.

R&D aint cheap.... and to make most $$$ out of new models.

I really hope someone can figure out how to make hydrogen work on a consumer scale because it’s a really neat piece of technology that could make a big difference as we move further away from fossil fuels.”

Their customer base has the cash for it and the need for exclusivity. It’s the reason why you can’t get a non AMG variant of the SL anymore, or why the AMG GTs were selling just north of 100K back in 2018, but now they are starting at 130K. Apparently everybody has alot of money now and I didn’t get the memo.

I never understood the need to separate the 2. The Ethos of a car should be the same regardless of the powerplant. It should have always just been S-class, just add EV at the end, case closed. I’m glad they finally see that lol

1st Gear: Options are good. I get that people want all EV’s, but you can’t make people buy something they don’t want. Better to get more full ICE cars off the road quicker with a mix of Hybrid, PHEV and BEV vehicles.

You are 100% correct. Hydrogen only becomes viable when there is an overabundance of (clean) energy to make it from water. Problem with nuclear is that it is so fucking expensive. They basically wouldn’t be able to build a plant without massive tax breaks/subsidies. The plant they are building in Georgia is a black

I disagree, but that’s not a big deal. My question is, what sort of a name is R2D2 for a generic, mass-produced robot in the galaxy far, far away?

BMW is getting rid one letter: “i”.

Alphanumeric sequences aren’t names, so there can’t be a “naming scheme”. If they switch to using words to name their cars, then I’ll bother to learn how to tell them apart. (Same goes for BMW, Lexus, etc.)

As long as they don’t go the BMW route and have ridiculously long names, this is a good idea.

Why buy and expose yourself to the level of depreciation most EVs currently experience? If you’re going to buy rather than lease at least go for for a 2-3 year old off-lease that has already taken that initial hit.

Depreciation and rapidly improving technology, plus who knows WTF is going to happen with CCS vs NACS.  

I just leased my 4th EV, a KIA EV9. We constantly have people visiting and need a true town car to drive up to six people around comfortably. We also have a Newfoundland Dog who is pushing 160 lb and does not fit in other vehicles.

Battery-powered cars and light trucks will account for just nine percent of industry deliveries in the U.S. this year. That’s down from the previous forecast of 12.4 percent.

Yeah, hybrids feel like a short-term win for automakers. But if they’re losing ground to the brands that are focusing on EVs now, they might not make that up.

Whenever you see some car manufacturer touting hydrogen powered cars, just replace the “hydrogen” with “coal”. That’s the ultimate goal for energy corporations, to have a ready fossil fuel alternative when oil and gasoline becomes increasingly scarce and expensive. Coal can be gasified and turned into hydrogen fuel,

There’s even less infrastructure for hydrogen than car charging, but you go ahead and do that BMW, and a few years later we’ll all be laughing when you change your mind.

The Unions in Germany might want to be careful about work stoppages. VW would welcome the opportunity to sell through the over-capacity from production and not pay wages. Germany has strong worker protections but at this particular moment, VW has a business reason to allow a strike, cost savings.

“quickly being seen as a really strong compromise between regular internal combustion-powered vehicles and all-electric cars”