
STARBUCKS : Our new CEO will commute from SoCal to Seattle on a private jet.

Most EV batteries will outlast the cars around them (unlike most ICE engines) and the recycling process to address these is already starting to build out. There is money in them there packs.

Its either so intentionally on the nose its funny, or so accidentally ironic in multiple shades as to still be funny.

So yea, #chortle

Well, since the English cheer when they play the Germans in the World Cup is “One World Cup and Two World Wars” I guess the Germans can poke back at them.  

When my father served as a physician on the U.S.S. Spruance in the late 70's/early 80's, when they were tracking Soviet subs, they would play the Imperial March through underwater speakers as they tracked them. R.I.P. Dad.

There probably won’t be a big issue over switching CCS chargers to NACS. Some key chargers may be modified to replace the plugs with NACS plugs, but I’d bet the majority will get switched when the charger in question would have been scheduled for replacement anyway. 

I don’t mean to offend, as you clearly have a ton of experience driving trucks but... I trust computers to drive trucks better than the average truck driver. I was nearly killed by the negligence of an “experienced” truck driver.  I do everything I can to get away from large trucks as fast as humanly possible because

And people say Germans don’t have a sense of humor... 

As for your last point... That’s literally boomer talk.

My thoughts exactly… I get that what happened during WWII was awful… but it was 80 years ago and Germany and the U.K. have been allies since. Seems like a bit of “pearl clutching” to be upset over the choice of music. 

It would be more meaningful if they sailed into St. Petersburg. I understand the Germans feel they still have a score to settle with the Russians.

There are no coming battery replacement issues. A properly designed EV battery will last 300k miles, and there are a lot of examples on the road that have already reached that mark.

“I believe that the coming battery replacement issues are going to be what kills these things off, once and for all.”

Playing an American composer.  John Williams FTW.  USA! USA! USA!

We Germans are not all smiles and sunshine. 

Germans--always with the jokes!

Saw what you will about Stellantis and the Gladiator, but RIP to the guy that lost his life. No one deserves to die a sudden, presumably painful death while on the clock trying to provide for his family.

One of the next great writers is here at Jalopnik. Beautiful story, I wish you the best. 

Holy cow. I got goosebumps when I read his name and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the picture—I played rugby with Kevin for the University of Dayton club team. When the news broke I couldn’t believe it. As I’m sure you know, there is now a tournament held in his remembrance.