
They all claim production will start in 2020. IMO Rivian is the only one that’s going to do it.

Put a fork in Jag then. You can’t have 10% of the volume and undercut on price, quality and features.

2nd Gear: I expect this initial message from Ghosn marks the beginning of the case going south on Japanese prosecutors.

I do too! I am all for one as a commuter car. Frankly I don’t need 200 or 300mi range because that won’t be enough but I already have a commuter car for my 65mi round trip commute. Give me a true 80mi in the winter with the seat heater going(120mi rating?) and I’ll be happy as a clam to trade my gasser for one. I

I’ve been noticing them a lot on my commute to and from boston as well. There is a lot of money in this area though. I see a lot of S’s and X’s. The model 3 is far from what I would consider an expensive car amongst all the cars on the Pike. Yes 55k is a lot, but then a suburban, sierra denali, x5 or other more

Jaguar have turned what used to be a line up of beautiful cars into boredom personified. Look at an old XJ, look at the modern equivalent and weep.

I really noticed this when I was visiting LA for a few days. Looking out to the San Gabriel mountains on days where there wasn’t much in the way of traffic on the roads was incredibly bright and clear, and then when it turned to a weekday the mountains were more or less obscured by pollution. I’d much rather have the

truth. Im very bullish on EVs regardless of subsidies. I think they are going to blow up in the next few years. Adoption rates are always slow for something new until they arent. 

Just one idea,

Oh, I agree. The other issue is that, even with 5G, there are still going to be swaths of the country that won’t have cell coverage; and therefore won’t have V2X.

5th Gear: If you want to see what direction Ford is going, download the episode of Freakonomics where they interview the new CEO. I give the interviewer credit as he doesn’t lob soft ball questions the whole time, but the level of BSing/tap dancing the CEO of Ford does(and finding out he made his nut as CEO of the

The Goshen thing is disturbing to me. I really do wonder if this was along the lines of the “hit” article previously published.

How does Tesla plan to accommodate this shift once it actually has to sell to customers that don’t want to wait?

Lets hope so. You don’t need to drive one to enjoy the benefits of an EV. If they are charged cleanly(or cleaner than gas) then the air everyone breathes will be cleaner. 

...why add a separate thing for V2X?

They could figure this out. 1 distribution lot every 200mi(conservative EV range). They are already selling in shopping malls so they could do this and then deliver your tesla a few days later after they register and insure it for you just like other dealers

“...his family members have said he isn’t being treated especially well in Japanese jail.”

Tesla has a massive quality control issue that is surely going to catch up to it. When you are having electrical issues or panels externally on your cars warped or misaligned or not placed correctly it’s going to change the narrative eventually. Great motors, great battery performance, heck even the toned down inside

I’m not quite sure how popular Jaguar is in the UK as a luxury brand. I imagine it’s not unpopular. In neighboring European countries, I personally haven’t seen them that often. In the States, particularly in New York, it’s the same story: A Jaguar vehicle is not a rare site but I don’t know if I’d say it’s spotted

Tesla has first mover advantage and their power train is still much better than anyone else even on paper. If Tesla can fix their quality problems they will keep the Germans at bay, and GM’s shit version of a Honda Fit will go the way of the i3.