
1st Gear: GM blah, blah, blah . . .

Please. They aren’t stupid. Heck, most of them are former business executives. They know full well why this is happening. What they are doing is playing the game of politics, which involves making a public show for your constituents.

Such an investment would yield much better returns, but that would mean acknowledging the socialist past (and thus future) of what made the US such a powerhouse in the 20th century. And that’s just toxic talk..

Its like they have no ideology....

So let me get this straight - if a recession hits and your really big company is in trouble, and you take bailout money (which you repaid, depending on how you look at it), then you can’t ever close a plant or 5, even if doing so would make you more profitable and prepared for the future, and help you weather the next

Neutral: How do you expect this to go down? Do you think GM might keep an extra plant around to appease Congress?

First Gear; We bailed out The Banks in The Great Recession and still allowed them to foreclose on tax payers homes. This should surprise no one.

“I share their concerns” is the new “thoughts and prayers”

You can walk into any Toyota dealership and they’ll knock $3k off of a base Camry before negotiations even start.


“Honda has lost significant volume for both the Accord and Civic, more so percentage-wise than Toyota has for the Camry and Corolla. Why? Honda does very little fleet business at all. “

I love how suddenly, Republicans are okay with the government interfering in a private company’s domestic business plan. Laissez faire for the donations, and communist for the votes.  Its like they have no ideology....

Not to mention that hamtamck is “scooter distance” from the renaissance center

I think Musk is possibly about to make a big mistake opening a Tesla plant in China. How will his whole thought process on plant operation work in the context of a Chinese factory culture? Will his ideas work in China, or will he shift approaches to work in a way that’s totally opposite his usual approach of fewer

Auto manufacturing plants (like most other manufacturing plants in any industry) have to utilized at a certain volume of units to be profitable.


Ignorant freakin’ congressmen don’t seem to understand that a business will always look at its options and look to what move will maximize profits going forward, forget about what happened in the past.

Give them a huge tax break? Great - but that will NOT cause them to invest a single penny or hire an extra

VW said they were looking for a new factory right?

This has nothing to do about Congress and everything to do with UAW negotiations.

I actually don’t blame her...corporations gonna corporate and she’s doing her job of delivering value to shareholdersHowever, it’s up to the GOVERNMENT to have the best interests of the workers in mind, which involves not giving the 1% and corporations massive deficit-busting tax cuts while not investing in Main