
Hey, GM! You know that this style was meant to be a joke, right? Like... funny and stuff. It was never meant to be used on an actual vehicle.

4th gear- electrification? Yes! Autonomy? In your shareholder’s dreams...

That front end atop another front end must be what a Pontiac Aztek looks like after transforming into a Decepticon.

I don’t understand the design language of these type of cars. It is obvious that manufacturers have no clue either, throwing spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks.

I’m more amazed Smart found 100 buyers. All the Smart dealers near me closed, and aren’t they all electric now in this country? Without googling the nearest dealership, I wouldn’t even know where to find one. I haven’t even seen one in ages, but that could be due to the fact that I don’t live in an urban area by any

I hope I’m not the only one that looked at this and saw the Family Truckster.

The Toyota Camry, honestly, continues to be a trooper in the sedanpocalypse.

This might just be the next Optimus Prime in Transformers XXL. I could actually see that grill in a throwback to the 80's cartoon.

2nd Gear: if Ghosn can get himself out on bail, he needs to skip bail and head to Brazil or Lebanon.  He will not get a fair trial in Japan.

5th Gear: I’m not sure how they count sales exactly, but the fact that MB’s Smart managed to sell exactly 100 units makes me think that their wholly owned Car2Go “by the minute” car rental service “bought” all of those from Smart.

Considering how we always say that Mazda is such a small independent car company, I wouldn’t have thought it sold that many units. More than Audi and Volvo at least. I see more of those than Mazdas by far.

The scene: A brightly-lit conference room in GM HQ
The people: Designers, disrupters, corporate VPs, a drunk guy named Earl.

At least the Ford front end doesn’t hurt the eyes. Scary part is that the height is required for the mill that is tucked inside...guess those 935lb-ft of torque need to be generated somewhere...

Glad to see the people who designed this are still gainfully employed...

It looks like a pickup truck had a one night stand with a Cylon.

Here’s some important questions:

They have gone gone full Ford Heavy Duty.

Forget the arms, race, the HP race, the torque race. We have entered the who-has-the-biggest-headlamps race.

Now playing

I understand they’re focus group testing some possible ads.

They're stopping production of a bunch of cars and laying off thousands of employees...for this? What an ugly piece of garbage.

That grill has more square feet than my apartment