
First Gear: Ford/VW

What I meant is that Ford doesn’t really compete with VW’s moneymakers: Audi and Porsche. Likewise VW doesn’t compete with Ford’s moneymakers: pick’m-up trucks.

Ford: Hey, we haven’t invested enough into electric platforms or future planning. We’re focusing (pun intended) on axing our small cars.

All the stars for you.

I have found that whenever a company is in trouble or is planning layoffs, the talented employees who have no trouble finding a new job will quickly leave.

I’ll say it again; Marchionne predicted this.

4th Gear: Faraday Future Is Looking for Investors

If they dont listen to your #1 point they will end up like Sears hahahhah

GM cost cutting:

1st - Ford and VW: Modular Platform + Modular Engine = Marriage Made in er... somewhere. Ford and VW are teaming up to avoid the coming Recessionapolypse

The profit margins on those XL-sized top-trim vehicles is often more than the full MSRP on a compact vehicle. So yeah, consumers do have room to go downmarket, but it’s going to be painful for the automakers.

Due to the reparations at the end of World War 2, Henry Ford was given Volkswagen’s assets and he said no thanks. How ironic.

You’re probably on the wrong site. You should be on consumer reports or something. This site is mostly about what we ‘want’. Just FYI!

Neutral: I know that this is my ‘90s biases coming through, but all I can imagine is the pinnacle of unreliability that would result from mating Ford transmissions to VW electronics.

“We have a history with VW. We get along with them. And if you look at the strengths and weaknesses of each of us, we match up really, really well.”

Dude. A moderately deep look at history shows this to be... off-putting.

Henry Ford was mentioned by name “Mein Kampf”, and the original Volkswagen contract was won by a

Neutal: Should work as long as it’s not a “merger” of equals.

Neither Ford nor VW is really a leader in autonomous vehicles.  So, adding them together doesn’t really get anything.  That’s sort of true on electric as well.  VW has gone all in on electric since dieselgate, but their current offerings are weak, as are Ford’s.  Under the VW brand at least.  I mean, Audi and Porsche


VW-Ford...what do we hope to see?

Bastards, they’ve been making these Jeep pickup noises for like a decade now and I finally broke down and bought a new car. Ah well, I just hope it looks like this still.