
Ford puts out ads trying to reassure they know what they are doing yet wont bring the Raptor Ranger state side when a ton of us are yelling at them “take my money”. I’m a share holder and I have NO confidence in them currently and only keep it for the dividend yeild.

The only people who would get excited about such a Courier-sized pickup in the US are 23 posters on Jalopnik, none of whom would actually buy one.

Out here in the PNW, ford is by FARRRRRRRRR the least seen of the “big three” which to be honest is not much at all, but still.

1st gear: “We’re honest about the cultural context we’re operating in”

Sure, unemployment is down and wages up between 2%-3% YoY since the 2008 collapse, but if you factor in inflation, today’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power it did in 1978. Meanwhile, wage gains have largely gone to the highest 90th percentile of earners, with minimal gains at 75th

Nuetral? Does automotive marketing actually work in general? I mean i can see a new product being advertised “hey come check out this model it is newly updated” or “hey come check out this all new model we are launching for the first time we are getting the word out to the public that this thing exists and you can buy

Ford is sounding like my college room mate. 8 years to get his general ed done and when he was asked what his plans are, he responds “I’ve got a lot of stuff in the hopper”. I’m a Ford guy, actually a domestic guy, and watching Ford fall apart is depressing. Nothing new in the hybrid space, falling way behind in

Yeah, screw them...

Ford Loses Focus

If they did, they wouldn’t sell them in the US market.

Is no one going to talk about this? Mach 1 maybe?

The only audience modern American corporate management cares about is their shareholders. Stock price is the only barometer that matters for the people who make decisions in corporate America. Sometimes they operate on the general assumption that their advertising will boost sales, and hence impress their

“When we did all the data analytics, it became really clear, a loyal owner is so much easier for us to do business with than trying to get a customer from someone else,” Farley said. “It was a big aha moment for us.”

1st AND 2nd : so this is Fords’ 2nd answer to Cadillacs’ Neil McDonough ad only pointing at nerd dreamers? Hmmm, I still prefer their 1st version. Given that their portfolio performance isn’t that far off from where Tesla is at and that Ford is only a company 115 years young, it’s awfully unfortunate that 115 years

Take it from a guy who ran a fictional Meth lab. Ford knows what it’s doing.

It reminds me of the Budweiser “Brewed for the many, not the few” ads. Just some old execs watching their market share slip and thinking: “You know what’ll get them back? Ripping on the thing they’re leaving us for.”

Hmm, dump all your small cars and double down on SUVs and Trucks. Somewhere the ghost of Sergio is laughing.

1st gear

In the short term, sure. I mean they are targeting hicks and people who want to cosplay on the weekend as hicks. It will give them a short term boost, just like it did to Harley Davidson when they went with that strategy. Maybe Ford will have a better exit strategy.

1st: While I am a fan of the basic premise of the ads (that I trust established car companies to do a better job of producing self-driving cars than startups and google and whatnot), Talking down to smaller startups isn’t going to go over well when you are laying people off and and your stock price is in the tank. It