
Today’s price-gouging is the final straw on the back of the car dealer business model... once inventory returns.


Can someone explain (or point out an article) WTF is going on with the revolving door at Apple on their EV project?

How does it compare to the Model Y?

School buses use AC Level 2 240V charging. Cost? Depends on location, but $8K to $10K all in per station would be a good placeholder. The charging box itself is around $1K.

Interned at the BMW factory in Regensburg the summer of 1996. BMW built the 3 series there, which was available with the BMW Individual program where the options seemed only to be limited by your wallet.

Good question. We needed a station wagon (98%) that could haul around three kids and a dog that also could occasionally (2%) go off-road, including a few minor water crossings. Wanted to get a 4Runner or Grand Cherokee L 4xe (which doesn’t exist), but couldn’t swing the gas mileage of a 4Runner. Ended up with a

We bought a Toyota station wagon hybrid from a Sacramento area dealer a few months ago (no markup). They had 17 4Runners on the lot... all were 2wd.

Pringles? Really? Good to know.

And Vermont Street over in Portrero Hill.

San Francisco.

What emissions controls?

I’d pay more for thinner pillars.

So much this. Stellar outward visibility is the new luxury.

You’re right; we are in the early days. The Volvo (truck) project in SoCal has soon initial data:

Nice summary. Didn’t know about the two standards.

Yeah, that point is missed. Hydrogen fuel cells like to run at constant output, feeding a battery to store up energy for the operations, including peaks.

Just out of curiosity, how big are the hydrogen storage tanks on the eighteen wheeler shown?

Surely you can’t be serious.