scowlybrowspinster---FREE ABORTION ON DEMAND!

Yeah, I saw the doorbell video of this brutal fuckwad dragging this woman into the house by her throat. I hope it leads to his conviction and a long sentence.

KB was too important and his time too valuable to spend in automobile traffic, and he was rich enough to pay for helicopter rides when others would just drive. By extension, his kids were too important to ride in a car, and then teammates and their parents were also too important because they all had to get to the

Dig those zealot eyes!

Amii looks ready to tear up a dance floor.

Hmmmm now I want to test this theory. We just need an arrested 1/6/21 insurrectionist to DEMAND the McDonald’s and KFC chow and this will establish two slightly related bits of data: 1) authenticity of the person’s dedication to the OTL (One Term Loser) no organic! and 2) whether such adherents can manage to get fed

Why now? Cancel before Zuckerberg plunders your life.

NO! It is Kellyann who looks like Madame!

JJ on da Radio on KPOO (89.5 fm and does a few 60s-70s soul programs and he says that about going way back. He also got me saying Gone But Not Forgotten for the dearly departed.

It’s a classic. I just finished all my Snowy Day postage stamps.

She’s so bad ass! Her outfit is great, I forever love go-go boots and I believe she is wearing the ubiquitous ‘70s colored yarn around her puff that everyone had for pigtails and ponytails and such. It’s fun looking up a specific dancer on youtube and watching all their videos. I watched a bunch featuring the woman

There was so much good will toward VJ and he blew it all.

You said it and then some. Solidarity.


Real, true story: I get off the BART train and come up to the long hallway to the stairs to street level. I hear a busker in the distance...playing electric bass! As I am getting closer, I recognize the bass line from “Boogie Oogie Oogie” and as I get even to the guy he’s doing the breakdown and I am just in time to

Prison is not about rehabilitation. Child sex offenders are of the least rehabilitatable inmates. Getting out of prison in no way equals being a rehabilitated citizen. If I had my way, they’d spend their lives on Child Molester Island, reading their poems to the other rapists, kid diddlers and child porn collectors

“Unless this 9 yr. old girl is 6 ft. and 200 lbs. there is no justification for using pepper spray on her given the circumstances.”