scowlybrowspinster---FREE ABORTION ON DEMAND!

Joe Rogan is a stool fucker.

It doesn’t help that weather patterns and earthquakes and deforestation have rendered Haiti practically unlivable. But the racist political vendetta against Haiti, ongoing since the slave uprising of 1791, has been vicious, crushing and completely successful to this day. Haiti is the one country every other nation

Ain’t nobody tell him nothin! Can’t tell him nothin!

You said it.

The same shitty people sink to the bottom, then eventually float to the top to be scooped up again and be given more, more, more chances at the grift trough.

In a country full of daily horrific instances of police brutality and systemic abuse, the beating and execution of Elijah McClain stood out for being an especially obscene abuse of power, wielded on the street, against an innocent person. All the law enforcement failures and EMT Kevorkians involved in his murder need

And what if I need three things and only have three dollars? I’m gonna be happier at Dollar Tree getting laundry soap, dish soap and toothpaste. At a regular store, I might only be able to get one of those things.

Just woke up and this post has SNS has 100 comments. Pathetic. The Herb has ruined this site.

Your baby is darling. Donated to the GFM, good luck.

You are so right. Also, if your kids can’t swim, make em wear a damn floatation vest around the water.

BW-B just announced separating from her husband a couple weeks ago, she didn’t get divorced in ‘20.

Crockett is 26+ miles from the Bay bridge, which connects Oakland and SF. Crockett is on one side of the Carquinez bridge.

Pure ambivalence about this.

Hawhawhawhaw! I love this pic so much: Sycophant KMcC with his sad trombone trout mouth, the guy behind NP looking like he just sharted, and NP making her oh-well-now-you-found-out! arms like, “So fuckin what?”

Right the fuck on. Tell em.

“Admitted rapist” works.

Charlene’s the one who wept in misery as they got married, right?

Yes, and his oft-repeated Sleep Like a Baby joke. Hawhawhaw, what a card!

So dreamy....

I still miss Gorgeous Gravy. That kitty really lodged himself in my brain. I wish his person sent updates, like Bruce’s does.