scowlybrowspinster---FREE ABORTION ON DEMAND!


Your dream is my dream. For you: Best New Yorker Cartoon Ever:

I do not have it but it would be an acceptable substitute for that shit stained, puckered mug.

Gawddamnit... STAHP printing pics of this anus faced failure. STAHP!

NO more pictures of that anus faced failure! Scribble out his face...and body! He is nothing and no one to anybody. Fuck him with inattention and lack of interest. 

*I*, a gay man, did not DWELL on the lack of hotness of an actress playing a role in a film! *I* barely gave it a thought as the words flew from my feverish fingertipss in keystrokes of movie review brilliance!

The Dry Look

877 cash now!


I wanna see him pitching a tent by the freeway underpass.

saw a self-made video by podium terrorist’s wife while they were in DC, and she is 100% behind his fucked up shenanigans and 100% deserves him and everything they get as a result of their actions.

I once saw someone hit a homeless person near the freeway entrance and car had the license plate SOSUEME. That part made me laugh cause it probably  came true.

But if someone takes advantage of a random last chance to use it’ vaccine, how does that person get lined up with the second dose on time? If they can’t get the second inoculation, the first one goes to waste anyway, yes?

Donate it to your favorite dog’s bed?

That poopin pup came from the interwebs. I do not recall where I got it, but I have distributed it widely. Every Good Dog deserves a chance to poop in that buttmouth.

^^^^It’s funny because it’s true!^^^^

Also, a PERMANENT MORATORIUM on pics of the Butternut Barf Splat himself. I know people and media won’t stop talking about him, but we fucking well never need to look upon his mid-shit grunting face, his duper’s delight smug smirk or his anus mouthed pucker face ever, ever again.

Yah, people freaked out when she took off her bow and let that pulling-her-hair-out-at-the-roots ponytail down. She’ll lose lots of fans for being a lesbian because what about the children, and I don’t want to have to explain this to my tweens!

Pack also ran a grift where he paid his own production company with gov’t funds to make documentaries. Forget where I read it, but the info is out there. This asshole needs to be PROSECUTED now that he’s been fired.

Amanda was lovely and the piece was excellent. I spotted the bird cage ring and thought of MA!