scowly brow spinster

It’s almost as if the welfare of unborn children is not the actual reason behind the push toward criminalizing anything relating to abortion.

As men line up to explain every time anyone suggests that attempting to seduce your female students or subordinates is inappropriate, there is literally nothing worse than asking a man to forego a potential opportunity to get his dick wet. War, genocide, sex slavery — these are mere trifles compared to the indignity

You know who’s happy that Gwen has a new ex? This guy:

If I saw Harper Lee at the Trump Casino in Atlantic City, I would finally accept that I had lost my mind

Now playing

Using this excuse to post Janelle Monae’s Cold War and Sinead O’ Connor’s Nothing Compares 2 U.

I’d say poor Robert deNiro in that he demonstrates nicely the damned if you do damned if you don’t nature of the world, but uhhh...

You made the film. It still exists. No one destroyed it. You can show it elsewhere. You were not censored.

As a writer, her solo lyrics are disgusting. As a person with ears, has her voice always been so bad?

You made it the whole three minutes? I bow my hat to you. I couldn't make it past 40 seconds of her whining, grating voice and annoying face. I'm reminded why I never liked her.

I really liked this episode. I’m a big believer that your 20's are made in those moments where you have a wake up call and learn to put aside your ego, and nothing but that moment of clarity can make it change. People can tell you that you have made a bad decision, and it just makes you did your heels in out of pride

Never propel a plot with coincidences.

Charlie is great, but Ray is the hands down champion of this show. He’s a Gen Y Larry David. I want a Ray spin off.

“it would make Marnie-haters more sympathetic to her character’s plight.”

Really? Wow. I hated her the entire time, and you’d be hard pressed to find an audience who’s easier to please.

This is such gross proof that trashy, tabloid fodder relationships can be powerful boosters even in legit entertainment industries....

Rock’s not dead but third wave ska definitely just got the last nail in it’s coffin.

That song is horrible.

Personally I love it, and I’m thrilled that you shared it with us. Seriously. As someone who had a bizarre crush on Jon Lovitz as a midde schooler this actually cracked me up/made my day.

I had to swipe left on the little strip of photo that was showing and then it popped up. Hope that helps.

I want this girl tested for pixie stick abuse.

Whatever, little kid.