
So American.

This is so lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and rude.

Sorry, I couldn’t quite make that out. Did you want Mara Jade?

Very funny. You’re now free to:

Down goes Frazer?

I’m a volunteer first responder, and I think I may speak for the majority of us, but we don’t need anyone thanking us. We do what we do because we are passionate about helping people. We don’t do it for the notariety.

Last time I checked the AARP was not trying to buy political backing to make sure that blue hairs

Must be fun being you. Completely void of anything useful, yet you’re out of the grays. Go clean your guns, fuckwad. Preferably while loaded and drinking bleach.

actually this is Trump’s fault directly because he eliminated mental health checks for gun purchases early last year.

We need to start protesting the NRA and gun shops the way pro-life dickbags protest abortion clinics. Pictures of victims, bloodied shot up bodies. Calling them murderers and child killers. Because that’s what they are. Tell them they’re going to hell, unless of course they repent, which they can conveniently do at a

And typically a shorter barrel that can be moved around more quickly, and adjustable stocks, but your point stands.

Sheesh $50 why would they even bother.

Little know fact. That scene from Karate Kid was filmed in the parking lot of Al’s Diner.

Well, if we thank them hard enough, we won’t have to pay them.

The Lord has spoken:

Every one of you assholes who vote Republican have blood on your hands. You’re all complicit. There’s no fixing you. These last two years have proven that. The United States of America can no longer function as one country. Not when half of you are totally cool with children dying as collateral damage so your

This is one of my favorite misconceptions about tennis and I hate to ever correct it.