
RIGHT??? My fucking dog can go run around and play frisbee with Jesus and Hitler and the cats can lick their ass while sitting on the Throne, but Heaven forbid (hah!) I want to not pop out a trillion kids and COOK ALL DAY. And *gasp* I expect my husband to treat me as a human being and respect me, not HIT me and TELL

My favorite is that the worst of Hell is not reserved for the Hitlers and Pol Pots of the world; it’s just for people who used to be Mormon. While my parents console themselves by telling me a “... full knowledge of the gospel” implies some level of Mormondom I never attained, so I still qualify for the mediocre

And who was a charlatan before he settled on being a sexual predator.

Well not exactly. You could apply for an annulment - which basically pretends that you were never married in the first place. Which makes the kids illegitimate. And then there is baptism - if your kid isn’t, then they go to purgatory when they die. So lots of nonsense to sign up for when you sign up for Catholicism .

Any idiot with any idea of Mormonism knows how harmful and disgusting this religion is. I point blank asked a bishop about Heaven once, and if my animals will be there. This lead to a discussion about souls and such, of course. The good news is, the majority of them believe that animals, all animals, will be in the

 The Pearl of Great Price clearly states that horizontal and vertical moves are forbidden.

We’re talking about a religion whose founder was shot to death by an angry mob because he was trying to add their wives and daughters to his harem, so, no big surprise there.

Yup. I got the “you need to repent” line after disclosing my rape and that was basically it for me. I am happy I am out now, but it was super psychologically damaging and painful.

The big difference is that Mormons believe that only those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can get to the highest level of heaven. How do you do that? Well, you are a Mormon in good standing with a dick, ta-da! You’re totally a priest! If you’re a woman - better be married and sealed in the Temple to a man who

Lifetime of restrictions to education, money, access and ostracization from all you know may play a teeny weeny role in it.

Bishops. Always in the way of domestic abuse and castling.

I do not understand anyone who thinks religion is a good idea, but especially women, and especially women in the more fundamentalist churches. Even if you believe in god(s), why stay in a group that thinks you’re somehow less than human *and* it’s your fault?

*the void replies, “But her eeeemmmmaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiilllllllllssssssss”*

Sometimes things that don’t kill you don’t really make you stronger. In fact they frequently make you weaker, damaged and slightly more trepidatious.

Yes, yes, and yes. I have a job I love, I’m getting married in October, I’m losing weight and getting fitter...and yet we’ve just crossed Europe off our honeymoon list because we don’t think we’re convincing enough to be fake Canadians.

Yes. That would be me. Also, I used to have confidence that if things went wrong in my life, I would probably be able to get back on track. Now, however, everything around me is such shit for so many people, and the republicans are determined to keep making it worse so I am starting to feel like I am walking a

Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep

Who knew that becoming great again would be so hard on our well being.

Weird. We should be happy with all of the winning we keep hearing about.

It is almost as if about 40% of the country is suffering from delusions, and the rest deep dark depression. Maybe less than 1% is happy.