Anyone else see, after Obama goes off on climate change, Laverne Cox standing up in the audience like OH SNAP? Amazing! My fave moment of the whole night.
Anyone else see, after Obama goes off on climate change, Laverne Cox standing up in the audience like OH SNAP? Amazing! My fave moment of the whole night.
I discovered something truly beautiful while I was searching for the above gifs :
Ah, two of my favourite places! We are going back this summer, but with that should be interesting.
The WORST part is, you absolutely CANNOT pick shoes based on what they look like, and I feel like people who make for-real running shoes KNOW THIS. They know you’re basically suckered into whatever $110 pair the person at the running shoe store tells you will be least likely to injure you because blah blah blah…
Dude, I will pack a pair for every day I'm away, and then an extra. It's UNDERWEAR people. It's going to take up like the least amount of space in your bag. I'd rather wear the same bra for a week.
My favorite scratch and sniff sticker in the 80s.
That sounds kind of like a dirty martini except with pickles (a vodka martini obvs, not the traditional gin one). I might have to try it, it sounds really interesting.
Dear humans,
Ha ha, I love this. I have found my people.
"who will take care of you when you're old if you don't have kids?"
They don't fuck because she has vowed to not have intercourse until she's in a committed relationship.
This is the meanest thing because I am sure he can't (entirely) help it, but I HATE his face. I think it's something about the eyebrows that makes him look like he is always making a "sympathetic" face, in which "sympathetic" deserves quotation marks and he is really being aggressively condescending. Throw in a small…
There's actually three little people stacked inside of this trench coat.
You might want to try the City of London Museum. It's been awhile since I've been there, but they had a great WWII exhibit last time I was there.
It's not late, it's just been percolating.
I'm reading over the paper now everyone:
I like my men like I like my coffee...venti, dark, and light room for cream.*
*This is not sexual harassment. It's serious coffee talk. #racetogether
Living alone is like Fight Club, and the first rule of Fight Club is DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB just like the first rule of Living Alone is Don't Talk About Living Alone, because otherwise other people (who don't live alone) will feel bad BECAUSE THAT'S HOW FUCKING AWESOME LIVING ALONE IS. Every once in awhile at the…
Pretty sure her teeth are whitened. With chemicals.
You think you can run here? This bird doesn't give a hoot.