I can still remember how those tins felt in my hand. I used to buy them at this huge 5 & 10 store. Those, Kissing Potions, Dippity Do gel ... Those odd Loreal Colorific Mousses. I miss that store and all those items.
But before bonne bell, there was Tinkerbell cosmetics. I've loved beauty products since I was a child.
I'm still mourning the demise of these.
I got your joke. Others did not.
I had a terrible bout with an eating disorder in my early 20s. I'm 41 now but I still remind myself of what "normal eating is." This sheet was given to me in therapy and it still works for me (YMMV).
As a psychologist, I totally understand the need to identify possible patterns of unhelpful and unhealthy behavior.
Ermahgerd. Don't worry, I see a baby and I'm like ——no feeling——- and then I see a doggie or cat and I'm like ——head whips round, stares until animal is out of sight range———- DID U SEE THAT IT WAS SOOOO CUTE
Welcome to the haters club, have some wine.
Thank you for that laugh. In return I give you baby Barbarian's very best awful picture.
UPDATE: He lost.
To me, the funniest thing about this story is the location. Solana Beach is a little suburb north of San Diego that's getting richer and whiter all the time. The Belly Up, while a great venue, is in the middle of a goddamn design district. It's surrounded by high-end furniture and art stores. I'm not sure if that…
The thing that made my blood boil was the eyeglass part. YOU CAN PULL MY EYEGLASSES FROM MY COLD, DEAD FACE YOU REGINA GEORGE CLONE!
this picture looks like he is the leader of the cult
My only thought here is, "Gross beard is gross."
You'd think this would ruin my year, but this means he likes nerdy girls, so I could have been a contender, right?
It helped that I tied an onion to my belt, as was the style of the day.
That must have been heavy to haul to school, in the snow, uphill both ways. A tip of the hat to you.
They should apologize. I am not Rick Fucking Perry.