
I went on a cruise with my dad, grandma, aunt, and uncle this past summer. A month before we flew to Alaska, my dad called and said I needed to stop by his place for five minutes. The conversation started out with “don’t you get tired of walking around looking like that?” and “when are you going to do something about

The last text I got from a guy I was totally in love with was a picture of his cock and semen on his stomach. Two years to the day after we met. Asshole.

Just because this made me think of it - long ago on a farm far far away ... we had house goats.

Awwwww! Sweet goatie! I love when they "nibble" on your hair, lol.

OMG, Nubians - the blondes of the goat world. ;) I love them! The one in the picture you posted looks so much like one of our first goats!

Goats are the shit. I miss our herd!

*facepalm* Oh, men. So misguided.

Oh for fuck's sake. Why do people care SO DAMN MUCH about what other people enjoy? Ugh! I hate it when people ask what I'm reading because 9/10 times it's something supernatural that people look down their nose at me for.

Some of us just enjoy things and the label "nerd" got attached to it. Calm yourself.

Oh that is AWESOME.

Your mom is lucky to have you! :)

LOL I gotcha! Love the gif too!

Glad to be of service. ;)

It's cool. Fuck the fucking fuckers. ;)

omg, I fucking hate it when I hear that. When they find out I don't want kids, they start with the "babies are sooo cuuuuuute" stuff and then move on to "you'll change your mind when you find the right guy" or "your clock will start ticking" and unless I can steer the conversation away, they pull out the "die alone

For a long time I felt like something was "wrong" and "missing." Now I just tell people that when my mom was making me, she kept all the maternal instinct for herself - she's overflowing with it and I have not a speck! If living my life in freedom and financial security is wrong, I don't want to be right.

I'm disputing the FUCK out of it. :)

Thank you for identifying the source of the aching empty feeling in my lady parts. TO THE SPERM BANK!


OMG the Zoidberg reference!