Scotty Ray

Actually, our prisons are unconstitutionally overcrowded. Uh, Kodak.

Yeah, but to be fair, the armless fella implied Cobb was sympathetic toward African Americans.

Donald Trump will never be President of the United States. He might lead in polls before any votes are cast because nobody pays attention to politics at this stage in the election and he knows how to dominate a news cycle, he might win some primaries, and he might somehow actually pull out the nomination. But he will

I assume "more social equality" refers to white people, since the Civil Rights Act wasn't until 1964.

What sorts of things do people do at their jobs that isn't work?

Consider the lilies? He's having a go at the flowers now!

"22 songs with Jesus in the title that were easy to google and may or may not actually be about or supportive of Jesus but look we've got a deadline here"

Because they were made to fit his mouth, which is still the same size?

The AV Club turned into a stoned college freshman so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Then how the hell do you be cool? I feel like we've tried everything.

Good, I'm glad. And that's what makes me cool: not caring, right?

And then the prequel, "Last Summer".

So lame that it was… cool?

Same reason liberals suck at talk radio: liberals like to laugh about the world, conservatives like to get angry about it.

This episode provided one of the most random lines I constantly quote: "That's so annoying… in the morning…."

Y'all are yelling at clouds, but it's true. Texts are informal communication with no facial or tonal cues so periods make a text seem cold. Relax, geezers. I'm in my 30s and I don't end my texts with periods. Yet I can still form a complete sentence and even appropriately punctuate it. Period.

Oh yeah, those latter day host segments got insufferable.

Watch "Space Mutiny". It's on youtube. If you don't like it, there is no hope for you.

You know those monitors that are like, double monitors, you know?

They're no Terwilliger Blvd.