Scotty Ray

I especially love that he ranked the 30-second interstitials from The Wall complaining that they weren't real songs.

There's a good dozen excellent songs on Cold Roses alone!!

Ryan Adams seems to have transitioned fully back into Biggest Asshole in Rock, coinciding with his breakup with Mandy Moore. Saw him in Portland recently and he was in full tirade mode: against the Cardinals, their drummer who quit right before the tour (because he was Christian, he repeatedly made sure to mention),

It's a scientific fact.

It's an Albany expression.

Orange juice is not good for you. It's basically vitamin C-enriched soda. And vitamin C deficiency is not exactly a major public health concern. "Just eat the damn orange!"

I believe we call it a skullet.

Oh, he'll stay away from making it the headline. Stay away… forever!

What I want is a fancut that dumps all the love triangle and back story BS. Somewhere in there, there's a really good miniseries about a spooky island.

"Hi, Handsome Dan!"
"I'm not Handsome Dan."

Can we all just agree that drinking milk as an adult is fucking weird no matter what kind of packaging it comes in?

April Fools Day is the fucking worst and people who do their shitty jokes on the 31st are even worse than that.

A song ripping on all the bad shows that have aired since the show started would have had more punch if that show hadn't been phoning it in (literally, in some cases!) for 15+ years.

The production on that song is so formulaic and predictable. Start sparse, driving beat comes in, here comes the chorus, pause, BIG HIT. This is definitely going to wind up in multiple movie trailers.

Don't forget the completely-out-of-left-field Howie Long as Tom Hanks' gay lover for some reason.

They don't need to go through a record company. Labels handle promotion, distribution, and finances. They can promote and distribute it themselves, and they can hire accountants. They can work on their own terms and not have to give a big cut to a bunch of suits.

Portland Timbers owner Merritt Paulson (son of treasury secretary Henry Paulson) still cites them as his favorite band. So 12-year-old tastes don't necessarily change if you are a spoiled rich manchild.

Whenever Michelle's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Michelle?"

Joy, excitement, looking…

It's no good, captain! I cannae reach the control panel!