Scotty Ray

Ah, interesting. Thanks for the correction.

In fact, Gram Parsons recorded Wild Horses more than a year before the Stones, on Burrito Deluxe. There's some debate as to who actually wrote the song.

I forgot how much I missed Stephen Colbert.

I haven't seen Andy Barker, P.I., and this article makes me want to watch it, but moreso it makes me want to watch Lookwell again because that was one of the most brilliant moments in television ever.

Good night!

I love that they made an entire movie on the premise of "there's a part of Disneyland called that". I hope next is the gritty reboot of It's a Small World.
[cut to black]
[cliched spooky child singing] "It's a small world after all……."

How are you supposed to have sex with all those hats on?

"Networks like animation because they don't have to pay the actors squat!"
"Plus, they can replace them and no one can tell the diddly-ifference!"

"Mysteriously shelved". I love outlaw country, but I'm thinking it's because this kind of sucks.

I'm pretty sure that's from the McDonald's porn parody.

He just steals the burgers. Never sample your own product.

Salem? Modesto? These guys know their audience.

With a "K".

I don't know, when's the last time I was in a gay bar? Gay bars represent one narrow subset of gay men. The most visible subset, but a subset all the same. I go to sporting events, rock shows, and regular old bars. Gay bars, and gay culture, have no appeal to me. My sexual orientation does not inform my personality.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

"They're playing The National Anthem song."
"I love that song. Reminds me of national anthems."

"It made me think more about the way that gay guys listen to music. I think for us, it’s not about how, if we focused on the things that made us sad, we might never be sad. Our suicide statistics are high enough already. For gay guys, reminding yourself why you’re on this planet and why you need to keep putting one

Shut up, you stupid nerds, he's trying to save you money on long distance!

It's not even a wild, amazing, persuasive new way to justify prohibiting same-sex marriage. It's the same arguments people have been making all along. The only difference is it's a young person saying them.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Miles Davis' home address*