Scott Mason

Wow so many people who do not understand work comp and also what benefit they are talking about limiting for athletes. This law would also benefit the cash strapped state due to now having to treat college athletes as employees. Lets first look at what the bill limits. The PPD portion of wage differential.

Ok 2009 E320 Bluetec. I believe the combined mpg was around 26. This is a Diesel engine which sees prices presently 30 cents or more cheaper than Premium gasoline. This car is guaranteed to make any first date guy use you for the entire night. He won’t feel like a massive cheapskate compared to someone driving in a

The long and short if it comes from very basic political theory. There are theoretical forces that drive politics which try to answer various questions. The personal liberty question is most easily looked at either by embracing Rousseau or rejecting him. Typical those on the right will reject Rousseau and follow

I voted for Bernie in the primary and am actually considering Trump. There are a few reasons why I am at least considering it.

Isn’t he technically correct though? With the CAFE standard for 2020 to be at 42mpg, a new pickup truck and SUV production will have to be cut by then and layoffs will occur. Granted this is all theoretical as Ford knows, and the federal government knows that they will kick the can down the road, but as of right now

Maybe this is just accepted practice, but how do you defend a case like this without some amount of victim blaming? Not saying it was consensual or not...have not seen 1 iota of evidence in any way. But from a 10000ft viewing, if all people are entitled to a defense, how do you defend someone without some victim

This will be a quick lawsuit. Summary Judgement for the State of Michigan. In essence the sate has a right to regulate commerce and they have chosen direct sales on cars is their version of regulation. Tesla would be better off either establishing a 3rd party dealer....or just not selling in MI.

Two things,

The title of this story should be: Pseudo-intellectual Concourse writer has no clue what a job description is.

Do you enjoy that Deadspin is being overwraught with political posts and and other posts that were reserved for Gawker a few weeks ago? RIP Gawker.

Compared to CMU, Oklahoma State is actually the small school. The only difference is the rich benefactors of CMU give to classes and not unrealistic beliefs that money will win a national championship.

Amplification is not the reason for nursing rooms in the White House. The ACA, or Obamacare is. The federal government, which White House employees are part of make up more than 50 employees. A provision of the ACA is that nursing rooms are mandatory in employers offices with greater than 50 employees. I am unsure on

I am so conflicted on this. Really this is hurting people who support LGBT rights. The best way to change attitudes is through edication and confrontation. Instead this is to boycott which just means you distance yourself from the issue. By doing what they are doing (boycott a state) they are only hardening the bigots

How Deadspin throws a hissy fit. When you guys grow up and understand bankrupt companies lose out a lot, then maybe you guys can move forward.

Yes and no. You play a series with a team. If the games were qually consistent on one run games, then the defense argument holds more validity. But yes on a given day the other team’s defense played great. However with strikeouts on the rise over the past few years, the pitcher has more control on pace of game and

I go back and forth on the W/L stat. While it is a misnomer stat, it does tell an interesting picture. On that given day, the pitcher either pitched better than his competition or he did not. The end result of that question is a win or a loss, and even a no decision. Is it a perfect stat? Of course not, but it does

I get what the press release was, in vain, trying to say. You have a clear lack of institutional control at Baylor and yet are doing nothing. You caved to Penn State and let them off the hook for lack of institutional control resulting in decades of molestation, but this is where they say NO. It is a little odd that

And to be honest the true worst SB winning QB was and always has been Namath. In an era in which throwing was less important, his TD/INT ration was bad. He would be cut so fast with the ratio in today’s game:

Rypien had a good year, but was in effect a game manager. 59.1% completion and a team that had several special teams touchdowns to go with over 2000 yards of team rushing. Their defense had 27 interceptions with Darryl Green leading the way. That team could have won, just like the Ravens with anyone at QB.

I don’t know Mark Rypien was pretty bad too. Jeff Hostetler was pretty bad. I think between those three, it is subjective on who was worse...not objective.