These kind of loans allow for the long-term progressive thinking and ideas that are not important to venture capitalists, who are primarily concerned with short-or-medium term financial gain. They are crucial.
These kind of loans allow for the long-term progressive thinking and ideas that are not important to venture capitalists, who are primarily concerned with short-or-medium term financial gain. They are crucial.
Dear Porsche,
I gotta give it to the guy... he fully committed.
I hope that nobody actually believes that the data collection stopped when the act expired.
It’s so bad it’s good.
This is the most awesomely stupid movie I have ever seen. Big loud dumb summer fun. I loved every cheesy, ridiculous second of it. It doesn’t miss a single disaster movie trope.
For what it’s worth, my E28 535i is smaller in every dimension than a current 3 series, so maybe a 4-door 2-series is OK... even the 2 series coupe has a longer wheelbase than the e28.
Because ‘sedan’ sounds too... baroque? What? I don’t get it.
Huh, I didn’t know aluminum could rust.
Is that the A-Team theme?
One thing I’ve found out in my many years on this big wet ball: Common sense ain’t common at all.
Just what in the hell is going on here?
Wow. That is some shit engineering.
driving around with damaged headers necessitates a full engine rebuild
Cannot unsee this.