I am Jack's complete lack of compassion

Blame Phil Spector, he started all this shit with his “wall of sound’ mastering “technique”.

I HATE HATE HATE Lexus' corporate design language.

These are all things that I know NOW.

AS did I. Also I misunderstood what Comprehensive insurance means. Fortunately the car was not that valuable but... it still sucked.

Holy shit, Axanar looks amazing!

No. The power going to the transformer is not much at all.

That was fucking hilarious.

Sorry, that's total horseshit about damaging the Jeep. Clearly you've never owned one.

Some people like ugly things... ask my wife.

I'm okay with that.

13. Sell for about half what you sunk into it.

But she recovered enough to take a souvenir photo of the two of us, now resembling decrepit refugees from Last Of The Summer Wine.

You boys are gettin' SERIOUS now.

Shoulda just rocked it between drive and reverse a couple of times.

What in the actual fuck is going on here. A luxury sedan, with an auto... with fender blarghs.

No, that's okay. El-Verde, on the other hand, has a problem.