scotty1186’ve never met an alcoholic or looked into the doctorate of AA and it’s ilk, have you?

To be fair, “ of the best 3D Star Ocean games” doesn’t mean much when a) haven’t there only been three 3d Star Ocean games? and b) this one is 2nd out of 3 in terms of critical quality. I gave this game a shot back on the 360 and hated it - lazy anime tropes and terrible voice acting ruined it for me.

God, I think I spent more of my college years drinking and playing Rock Band with friends than I did going to class.

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

I don’t have a gambling problem, I do have a problem with f2p mechanics in a game which costs money. I’m not an idiot, these things make money so companies will put them in, I get that. I personally won’t buy games that do, and regard the people that buy them and ruin gaming by doing so, as dicks. Not sure what’s hard

I have nothing but sympathy for devs who bust their asses, but I hope this game turns out to be very good, yet doesn’t reach anywhere near it’s sales projection out of players taking a moral stance. That’s the only way big publishers and the suits making these decisions will understand how mad people are about this.

Just as his background music, “Life On Mars” by David Bowie

This is like trying to decide between rooting for corn on pizza or ketchup on steak. Fuck both of them.

I was a loyal disciple of the Midnight Club series. That and Smuggler’s Run got me really turned on to Rockstar’s attention to physics and damage. It’s only gotten better too, with GTA V. Imagine my delight when the GTA V Smugglers Run DLC was revealed, they’re doing it so right.

Underground 2 takes the cake for me, but that might have something to do with the lack of cops. I know they’re generally seen as a staple of NFS, but I preferred racing and cruising around without running the risk of getting caught up in an arbitrary chase. The soundtrack and ridiculous modifications (you should

Two hours more than MW3 to be fair.

At this point if CoD ever separated Zombies as its own game, the CoD sales would probably get hurt.

It’s a war game. People die. this point, I’m quite ready for the industry to stop fellating Witcher 3.

Industry veteran here. I’ve been making games since the early 90's. But I’m also a die-hard gamer so I get the negative feedback towards loot crates, DLC and micro-transactions in general.

Mike, where the screenshots of banned botters’ rage and tears and empty threats of legal action against Blizzard?

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL

Mike, question: as a gamer, I mean you know when something is absolute BS right? I think everyone is on the same page that this is some of the worst implementation of loot boxing going. And some of the worst value for money for customers.

So this thing I never hear from game journalists (and I am super open to being