
I love pinball

Don’t kid yourself about the Rift or Vive just because they are slightly better and have a bit more games - it’s still a very niche platform which the general population doesn’t care much about - I used to be a hardcore gamer, now in my early 30s I play less, but have the money for a VR kit. I wouldn’t buy either

Holy shit if I have to listen to that guy in the linked video speak for one more second... This is cool though.

I don’t think people are grasping the magnitude of this yet. AD’s and coaches are in a panic right now. They’ve been cooking their books for years to fool the NCAA, the FBI however is a whole different ball game. Instead of sanctions we’re talking jail time. Plus they have subpoena power.

I’ll be ranking all the games either later today or tomorrow, but IMO Super Mario RPG is excellent but not quite “all-time masterpiece” status like the other five. It’s in the second tier along with Donkey Kong Country and Mega Man X.

I don’t get citations for driving 100+ in Forza. Nor do I have to pay for damage from racing other cars. Also, premium is expensive, yo. lol

Now playing

Stuff like this is how I know we’re doomed. For example you look at something outside of games, like the documentary Whose Streets. Regardless of your politics you watch that movie and are fundamentally compelled by it. The IMDB rating was something like...3 which is insanely low and wrong.

People a voice, and now

This is all kinds of dumb.

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

B-b-b-but it was just a “heated gaming moment.”

The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?

Seems likely. It’s frankly odd how there can still be hype for the iPhone when the last 4 or so haven’t actually had any features worth noting that haven’t been out on other devices for a while already.

actually the iphone did none of those things. apple bought the ideas for the iphone from other inventors who didnt have the financial clout to do it themselves. tablets as well. there were already tablet computers out there before the ipad, albeit not as user friendly. you give apple WAY too much credit. they buy

I guess if you call exploiting the market with someone else’s ideas as revolutionary, sure.

So if the trend keeps true, it’ll become one of the most overrated, overhyped, and overpriced items in its category, at least for the next nine years?

Are the orcs on their 4th or 5th aptempted genocide of the human race? I keep loosing track.

Come back when you don’t have zombies that literally want to poison the entire planet to death.

Lol, sure they are.

Cue alt-right meltdown