Honda is just a big tease. They’re all like, “look at all the cool stuff we can do”, but then they just sell you appliances.
Honda is just a big tease. They’re all like, “look at all the cool stuff we can do”, but then they just sell you appliances.
Im just glad I made my money off Nikola and got out before everyone realized the con. I have since diversified my portfolio into safer investments such as GameStop and AMC.
I’d love to read this review, but it’s impossible as it crashes my iPhone 12 more than Vin Diesel crashes movie cars.
Wow this thing looks like an absolute pig of an “off road bike”
he futuristic fairing and narrow squinty headlight make this bike a rare beauty in a segment full of uggos.
How is your chain of dental practices across West Chester, PA doing these days? Is Helen doing well with the schoolbook business?
When reached for comment the only thing Roborace Car would say was, “Please place the items in the bagging area.”
The only group I can think of is current Harley riders, who are also very brand loyal, that want to get into dual sport riding. Although, based on most Harley riders I see, that’s likely to be a pretty small market.
Nah, there’s more than one regular motorcyclist on here now!! :)
I’m still mad about the Nissan IDX
I clicked on this review because I wanted to see a picture of Bradley on the Grom. I’m leaving disappointed.
It doesn’t current well.
This will NOT age well.
8l w16 Mustang? No sidewalk or tree within 2500 miles from a cars and coffee would be safe.
Yamaha VMax: Am I a joke to you?
Typically you don’t get the crabs from just a Hummer