
Holy cripes, way to escalate / take things into a personal level (low attacks). Instead of spirited debate as intelligent gamers we get barbs spouted by hooligans arguing over sports teams at bars.
Anyhow, trying desperately to elevate the conversation...

Please read again as you obviously missed the part where the writer compares and contrasts this “trait” of insanity with the sims 3. The earlier version made much more sense with its use of the trait. Therefore the point of the article is that while sims 4 tries to be an evolution of the series, some parts obviously

@Luke Forgot to mention Blitzkrieg 3. Awesome next iteration in pausable isometric WW2 strategy from a tactical level. Currently in Early Access but progressing nicely. Looking forward to the final however there is a ton to the game already. 3 campaigns from the different perspectives of the countries involved.

Bought both. Would recommend anyone first play Dishonoured 2 1000x over Doom 2k16. Doom was a blast but repetitive as hell past the first couple playthroughs. D2 I am simply in love with and cannot forsee a time when I will tire of said game.

Have not played GalCiv3, but comparing it to GalCiv2 - they are very similar, refined in some ways but same formula just much much prettier. Endless space, IMHO was a stinker compared to this one. Much (ironically) more restrictive and limited. Stallaris however is more an engine in which you create your own space

Preach it brother(PC gamer).

Elite:Dangerous = Meh. I think across the board, it was recognized as a stripped-down version of SC. Example: lack of campaign, advanced trading/priracy ect.. Could go on and on. Bought the game and spent a good dozen hours of it. S’ok.

SkiFree was, and always will be awesome. CCS on the other hand, an unoriginal money grab in video game format made to extort money from the masses. Therefore I approve of this post.

The only reason I’ve ever replaced mine was to upgrade.. and usually a Huge upgrade in performance and visual quality, at that. Right now I’ve got 2+ yr old vid cards and run everything maxed. They are 680gtx(s) in sli, but still, anyone wanting decent frame rate can go out and purchase a ~200 vid card that should

Yeah and useless name-calling is so much more grown up. Seriously, grow up. Oh and btw, most consumers applaud by spending money. Ass-kissing a corp for saying "our bad" and promising to do better in future is just dumb.

A couple words for ya: Asus g55/g75 laptops. Same power, 1,000 bucks less. Plus more reliable brand, 2 yr warranty, yadda yadda. You get the picture.

Agreed, this article sucks. The author never specifies what sort of magical "cloud" services she refers to. If she means Steam, mention steam. For cripes sake, this is a gamer blog not forbes. Also what about all the retail media that includes cloud option as well? I love when I read steamworks on a box, that way

Aye. Find it much easier on the eyes staring at the back end of a female character for 15+ hrs ;)

@Koda89: True, but I think the headline/opening lines presented on Kotaku's main page are biasing readers to this opinion. It's a shame that Kotaku writers seem to use the same methods Fox News do to gain an audience, by sensationalizing and angering people with their first look at a story. All media outlets seem to

AWESOME article. Maybe I see eye-to-eye because I also am a 31-year old gamer and so clearly I grew up with the same influences. But nevertheless, I think the author has a point.

Sad day for modders and the gamers who play mods. Their custom sites for each game were hugely helpful in deciding which mod is worth playing.