Scott The Robot

So that incredibly detailed story along with his confirmed phone number and apology isn’t enough? She needs to be outed and have people know who she is simply because she had the audacity to tell someone that Aziz Ansari engaged in sexual misconduct with her? Gross.

...they’ll be dinosaur skeletons and she’ll deny they exist because the Earth was only created 6000 years ago.

Now, I’m watching Seal slam Oprah with photos of her being cozy with Harvey Weinstein, who I’m sure if he hadn’t been found out, would also sport a TimesUp pin. Oh, and there’s a photo with Seal and Kevin Spacey looking like BFF’s ...

We need to stop deifying celebrities we like. We know nothing beyond the fact we like

I’m glad there’s finally a dude willing to be the arbiter of when women can feel like a guy acted inappropriately.

Welp, it was nice having “Master of None” for two seasons.

Props to the dude with the camera. His narration really takes this vid over the top.

I thought Lincoln stopped black dudes from getting owned.

I liked Baby Driver well enough, but it is shocking that it is on this list and Blade Runner 2049 - an objective masterpiece - is not. It truly is like leaving 2001 off a list of 1968s best movies.

He was sucked into the game because of something he did as 12 year old. He wanted out as soon as possible and supposedly WAS out before he was brought back in because of threats to people he loved.

Even worse is in novels written by these crusty old authors. They alternate between misusing modern slang for their young characters and having a 12 year old boy remark that the guy in the cowboy hat “looked a little bit like Randolph Scott.” Know a lot of 12 year olds born after 1970 who know who Randolph Scott is?

My top 20 movies of the year:

Ok, so we’re supposed to hate movies where the main characters commit crimes? That certainly scrubs out some amazing movies. Bye bye Godfather, Goodfellas, Out of Sight, Casablanca, Heat,....

Teenage Character Has The Musical( and/or Entertainment) Tastes of a 40-ish Director (and/or Writer) is one of my least favorite movie cliches, but even I thought Baby Driver was entertaining.

Agreed. Also Thor: Ragnarok > Last Jedi.

Am I the only person who thinks that’s the worst fucking title ever?

Strangely, one of the most commercially successful films of the year, the latest adaptation of Stephen King’s “IT”, was apparently not list-worthy.

It’s an Edgar Wright film. As far as I’m concerned most of the work he has put out has been full of passion and a unique flavor to it.