Scott The Robot

“a model based out of Las Vegas” is probably how her parents describe at Thanksgiving before everyone quickly changes the subject.

Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.

Dolphins are known for their blowholes...

Seems disrespectful toward veterans and the flag, tbh.

Wow, their offensive line coach has really made himself the center of attention. Not sure how the Dolphins are going to tackle this problem. Should have found a way to guard against this type of thing as an organization.

Wait. Taco Bell isn’t high quality?

Not sure how old you are or what area you live but most of the fast food places near me staff few if any teenagers. Might just be shifting demographics. Might say something about our economic condition. I don’t know, I’m not an expert.

I mean, just avoid fast food altogether. I worked at McDonald’s when I was a teen. How clean and sanitary do you think a restaurant staffed by teens who hate their jobs will be? I would say if you must eat fast food, it’s actually better to go during peak hours, because all (at least) most of the food will have been

give her this

And no one ever says

Jesus. This one. I started responding with “Oh yeah, we met at last year’s black people meeting.” until i realized that half the time the person i was talking to thought I was being serious.

“I don’t see color” makes me see red, because it’s the most insidious of the group. Like, if you’ve never thought about culture, it sounds good a first blush, but it’s super, super harmful and an utter lie.

I didn’t see a link to the article, but I’m guessing the writer has never heard of Marv Marinovich.

You may want to rethink your logic. Many in the crowd that have admitted to possessing CCWs during the attack, stated that they were unable to draw their weapons for fear of be targeted by law enforcement looking for the shooter... or use it effectively because the shooter was several hundred yards away firing a fully

Yes, I’m sure having people shooting back at the hotel to try to take out the gunman would have been an excellent way to stop him. Can’t see any downside to shooting at an occupied building.

Derp derp derrrrp-y derp.

What’s stunning to me is just how _small_ these sums are, in the context of a Congressional campaign. They’re selling out their constituents—the majority of whom are in favor of stricter control/more limits on high-performance rifles—for a few thousand in campaign contributions??

I wonder how many people who throw out the “Prayers for _____” whenever anything happens actually, literally say a prayer for/about it.

I’m not familiar with how much congressional and senatorial campaigns cost, but $2-$10K does not seem like much; is it really enough to buy off a politician?