Scott The Robot
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“I’m not a Nazi either,” Love said. “This is Nazi fucking America.”

I can’t watch it. I still, for the life of me, cannot understand how someone could hear that man speak and then think, “yep. I want him to represent me!”

The absolute worst public performance by a US president ever. Nixon flew off the handle sometimes. But his worst, darkest moments were private. Trump just lets it all out in public.

Reporter: “Are you, as the President, going to visit Charlottesville, as a show of support during their time of need?”

President: “You know I own a house in Charlottesville. In fact it isn’t a house it is a winery. In fact it isn’t just a winery it is the largest winery in the USA.”

And people were worried Trump

Yeah but her emails?

In fairness, I’ve seen commenters on Kinja say we should remove statues of Washington and Jefferson because they owned slaves. This came up when there was an event (BLM march?) in Charleston, SC, with people standing near a statue of Francis Marion, a Revolutionary war general/hero who the writer of the article

The defense from the right that some of the people there were “pretty nice folks” seems like an odd way of saying that some of the people there were really stupid, and didn’t realize that they were surrounded by Nazis.

If you choose to participate in an event that includes a torch bearing march to surround a church as

So everyone saw that right?

Haven’t we all found ourselves suddenly caught up in the middle of a bunch of Nazis shouting bullshit until we’re red in the face, only to later ask ourselves, Wow! That was weird! Sooooo not like me at all. How’d that happen?

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

I ate Ethiopian last night and the pee smells like nothing I’ve ever peed before.

Did nobody bother to check whether either of these guys were jazz musicians before hiring them?

This year’s Jazz Fest was headlined by Dave Matthews bringing out Jimmy Buffett.

It’s satire, about how kids think we used to live.

Am I being a homer, or did these fan submissions blow other teams’ out of the water? 

If I ever stupidly set myself on fire, I’m definitely going to say “That’s OK, he’s my cousin.”

Jesus Christ, I’m a lifelong Bills fan and even I found J’s story depressing. I’m sorry man. Find a therapist.