Scott The Robot

63/323=.5. Learn something new everyday!

This news just... ugh. this was a punch in the gut. I too was a Rox fan from day one (I was 13, and remember ditching school to watch the first-ever Rockies game on TV. They lost, which I didn’t realize at the time was the first of a whole mess of Rockies losses I’d watch). Baylor was just awesome- at my first Rockies

Darren Daulton too. Sucks if you enjoyed the mulleted Phillies of the early 90's

Today is turning into the most depressing edition of ‘Let’s remember some guys’ ever.

Avoided signing a QB who cares too much by signing a QB who couldn’t care less.


Totally read that paragraph in this guy’s voice:

List checks out- the Rams didn’t even make the cut.

The Chargers introducing their new logo was the branding equivalent of a guy asking his wife to try anal for the first time.

I missed the cutoff for WYTS submissions, so just let me add this:

Any reason I can find to use this, I will.

“Hold my beer”
- The Bears

Fumbles beer
- The Jets

Recovers beer, chugs beer, shouts “69", spikes beer into ground
- Gronk

OK Florida, time to step your game again. The Cray-Cray meter just overloaded but you can do it.

We now know what the ghost of George C. Scott has been up to.

George C. Scott has come back form the dead to save our daughters from bathroom demons!