Scott The Robot

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

It’s true. Forget piddly 20% growth, BBB sales have doubled in just their last quarter alone! Amazing! Two pairs to four, but still.

How can you say the craftsmanship of shoes from Guangzhou are less desirable than those from Shenzhen or Tianjin?!?!

Big Baller Brand is taking over.

shorts immediately identify you as an American tourist

As compared to what?

It’s the quarterly clickbait opinion piece about how ___ shouldn’t wear ___. It was sandals, then cargo shorts, now shorts in general. This is what leads to all the jumpsuits in those old scifi movies.

Nah. The Bears are just bad, but you have to go some to reach the Browns or Jags level. That’s like a level below the Jets. If somebody tells me they’re a Bears fan I laugh with them about their team. If somebody says they’re a Jaguars fan I study them. What makes them tick? They’re rare creatures. It’s like spotting

I really thought people were starting to learn not to make assumptions based upon stupid sh*t like this.

The entire article could just be this gif and it would convey more than any number of words ever could.

Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.

Byron Leftwich will be on that list, just as soon as he completes his throwing motion on this pass he started in 2009.

The Jags are known more for this gif than for any sort of success.

If shorts are good enough to save someone’s life or lift heavy boxes, they are good enough to attend a powerpoint presentation meeting and say things like touch base, run it up the flag pole and circle back

The less clothes I can wear to work, the better. Of course, I work from home so there’s that.

Fashion-police takes are the dumbest takes.

I mean, he is significantly better than many starting qb’s, and most back ups. Statistically.

Care to elaborate what is false or “clickbait”? Please enumerate the facts that you claim are left out. By calling this article a “piece of trash” you’re projecting.

I mean, that’s an adorable pair of points to make, but for the first two years of his career the team around him was flat out bad, and everyone knows a rookie quarterback is suspect.

Im not surprised they are chatting with RGIII, though I would imagine those talks wont go anywhere owing to his injury history which has now surpassed the flashes of brilliance he displayed a few years ago. That said, Kap is the best option for them especially if they are looking for an experienced arm that guide the