Scott The Robot

Joe Jackson is a black guy with a supremely creepy mustache.

If you tell me me you "rescued" a dog then you'd better have a story about the burning building you ran into or the daring midnight raid that was involved. Otherwise you just picked it up. I have family members who take in foster kids without saying shit, but for dog people having just one animal in their life they

After a flight like that, more like the Toronto Pterodactyls, amirite?

no h/t to fomthe20thfloor who pasted this in a previous article?

I'm not a religious person, but if we're talking about prestige, power and influence, Pope has to be pretty high on the list.

He's actually not near as funny as this article wants to make him seem...

Norm Chad is the worst. I mean he is absolutely the worst. He's Bobby Heenan at the end of WCW bad. Using the same dated horrible jokes that Lonn "chuckles" at as he dies a little inside. Antonio is more entertaining and a whole lot more knowledgeable about poker. ESPN should hire him instead but apparently they have

On a positive note, just think of all the pussy this guy slayed right afterward.

Seems like a perfectly cromulent meal to have, washed down with some SkittleBraü.

Sorry about your fake sport for oxy-ed up white trash. Please accept my peace offering of seven packs of mayo swiped from Arby's without paying for anything, as is traditional for your people.

well, i haven't gone on twitter and used racial epithets in regards to a hilarious outburst, used misogynistic terms toward two women calling a basketball game simply because they were women, gone on any homophobic rants, or threatened anyone's life.

You'd think if any fans were going to accept more than one woman on the job, it would be the BYU faithful.

-lithium atom, sodium atom

Her husband looked petrified. Can't say I blame him...

Reaction #1: "She's a thug"

Why is Marcus always the knucklehead of the family?

Paying them 125 per game is bullshit are you kidding me? They are basically volunteering their time.

"they knew what they signed up for" doesn't mean the employer can get away with paying less than minimum wage with no overtime, making them work over 8 hours with no meal breaks, paying them less than twice a month, etc.